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Steven Hunt

  • KSKA: Friday, November 3 at 2:45p.m. Stonecliff, an original musical about the building of a railway from Skagway into the Yukon during the Klondike Gold Rush by Michael J. Heney, Alaska's "Irish Prince", will perform at the Wendy Williamson Auditorium November 10-12. Playwright Conrad Boyce (also Director and Producer) joins Stage Talk this week via phone line from Whitehorse, Yukon where the play is currently in rehearsal. Listen in this week to find out about one of Alaska and Canada's more interesting historical figures as well to find out more about this exciting musical. Stonecliff with music by Matthew Lien is making its world premier in Anchorage.LISTEN HERE
  • KSKA: Friday, October 27 at 2:45p.m. Anchorage Opera is opening its season with the comic opera Don Pasquale by Gaetano Donizetti with lyrics by Giovanni Ruffini and Donizetti, a story that's full of love, disguise, trickery and a lot of fun. Join Philip Cokorinos, who plays the title character, David Lefkowich (Stage Director) and AO's General Director Reed Smith this week on Stage Talk to hear all about it. Don Pasquale runs November 3-5 in the Discovery Theatre in the Alaska Center for the Performing Arts.LISTEN HERE
  • KSKA: Friday, October 20 at 2:45pm Valley Performing Arts of Wasilla has some skeletons in the closet and they're not afraid of hauling them out and putting them on the stage as they present the ghoulish comedy Arsenic and Old Lace by Joseph Kesselring. VPA favorite Todd Broste who plays the "evil" Jonathan Brewster and director Stephen O'Brien drop by Stage Talk this week to chat about murderous spinster aunts, an uncle who thinks he's Teddy Roosevelt and a terrified nephew who wants more than anything to just marry his sweetheart and live a normal life amid all the chaos. Arsenic and Old Lace performs October 20-November 5th.LISTEN NOW
  • KSKA: Friday, October 12 at 2:45pm Just before a sure-fire reelection bid, a North Carolina senator is faced with a mass shooting in his state and has to reexamine the second amendment and his own personal values and views on politics and religion in Jason Odell Williams' new play Church and State. RKP Productions is opening its season with this moving, often humorous look at a hot topic October 13-19 at the Alaska Experience Theatre located on 4th and C streets in downtown Anchorage. This week on Stage Talk director Dick Reichman, Producer Audrey Kelly and Actor Mark Stoneburner are joined by playwright Jason Odell Williams.LISTEN HERE
  • KSKA: Friday, September 29 at 2:45pm Robert Harling's tribute to his sister and the women he grew up with in the South, Steel Magnolias, is being presented by Perseverance Theatre as its opening production of the 2017-2018 Anchorage season. Taking place in a small Southern town's beauty parlor, this touching yet comical story of six women who bond over recipes, gossip, the men in their lives and the struggles they all face will be presented in the Sydney Laurence Theatre September 29-October 15th. Gigi Lynch, who plays the curmudgeon "Ouiser" and Josh Lowman, Anchorage General Manager, drop by Stage Talk today to talk about the show.LISTEN HERE
  • KSKA: Friday, September 22 at 2:45pm. Cyrano's Theatre Company recently moved from their downtown location at 4th and D to 3800 Debarr Rd (site of the former Out North Contemporary Art House) and they are opening their new space with Qui Nguyen's She Kills Monsters, a story of a young woman ("Agnes", played by Taylor Campbell) who enters the world of Dungeons & Dragons to try to understand her deceased sister ("Tilly", played by Jessica Faust) and learns a lot about herself along the way. She Kills Monsters promises much in the way of role-playing, sword fighting and adventure. This dark comedy runs September 22 through October 15.LISTEN HERE
  • KSKA: Friday, September 15 at 2:45pm Anchorage Community Theatre opens its 2017-'18 season with Silver Thaw a brand new murder mystery from Anchorage playwright Schatzie Shaefers. Shaefers, along with director Sarah Athans, drop by Stage Talk this week to give us some info about the play, how Shaefers came to write it and perhaps a few "red herrings" along the way. Silver Thaw performs at ACT September 15th-October 8th.LISTEN HERE
  • In the summer of 1987 Sandy Harper and her husband Jerry opened Cyrano's, a bookstore and cafe located at D Street and 4th Avenue in downtown Anchorage. In 1992, it expanded to include a theatre: "Cyrano's Off Center Playhouse", which became the home of Cyrano's Theatre Company. Over the next 24 years, Cyrano's presented, on average, one play a month. With the passing of Jerry in 2005, Sandy took over as Producing Artistic Director until last year when she handed the reins over to Teresa Pond. This past summer, the Board of Directors made the decision to move the company to the former Out North Contemporary Art House located on Debarr. With this move, we see the "end of an era" for the space on 4th and D and Sandy has decided to hold a celebration on Saturday, September 9th starting at noon and going for as long as people want to stay. Sandy is asking for people to bring stories and memories to share. Join Sandy today on Stage Talk to hear more about this remarkable adventure.KSKA: Friday, September 8 at 2:45pm
  • Dave Block, the founder and Artistic Director of Midnight Sun Theatre, has some exciting news. He has decided to expand what has up to now been only a summer theatre to a full-year production company and he's on Stage Talk this week to give us all the details. Midnight Sun's upcoming season promises to be full of surprises.KSKA: Friday, September 1 at 2:45pm
  • KSKA: Friday, August 25 at 2:45pm Just what goes into running an adult dance company in Anchorage? How about two? Join Artistic Directors Becky Kendall of Momentum Dance Collective and Stephanie Wonchala of Pulse Dance Company this week on Stage Talk to find out. Momentum Dance Collective is celebrating their tenth anniversary and Pulse Dance Company is celebrating their eighth year of bringing exciting and creative dance concerts and movement training to the community.LISTEN HERE