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Rasmuson Foundation

  • 00000192-9ca2-dda9-a1f3-defb40500000Earlier this year, I returned to Alaska after 27 months of U.S. Peace Corps service in Central America. I worked as a community health volunteer in Nicaragua, the second-poorest country in the western hemisphere (after Haiti). After returning to Alaska, I began to search for local volunteer opportunities. A friend told me of the famed Dr. Jill Seaman and her involvement with the nonprofit, the Alaska Sudan Medical Project (ASMP).Read more.
  • 00000192-9ca2-dda9-a1f3-defb166e0000September is Hunger Action Month when we shine a light on the thousands of people who are working to reduce hunger in the United States. Closer to home, there are 90,000 Alaskans who are food insecure, meaning they don’t know where their next meal is coming from. If this was a disease, we would call it an epidemic.Read more.
  • Margaret Schaeffer wants to make sure her community is prepared to handle challenges of the future, so she founded an organization dedicated to teaching the traditions of the past.Schaeffer is the founder of Ilinniagvik Attautchikun Corporation (IA), a nonprofit based in Kiana, a village of about 360 people located 520 miles northwest of Anchorage near Kotzebue.Find out more.