Monica Gokey
Divorce an emotionally charged event. A high conflict divorce can take an emotional toll on families, especially children. On the next Line One, join host Prentiss Pemberton to talk about how divorce can be done better.Download Audio:KSKA: Monday, Nov. 30, at 2:00 and 8:00 p.m.
Whether you're in the kitchen, on the road to a family gathering, or relaxing after the feast, "Giving Thanks" provides the perfect atmosphere for Thanksgiving: the warmth of great music, and truly memorable words. KSKA: Thursday, Nov. 26, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Here’s the Sunday, November 22, 2015 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music…
Here’s the Sunday, November 15, 2015 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music…
This week we're talking with Athabascan ivory carver Leonard Savage about how he got his start. Savage splits his time between Wasilla and Kentucky.Download Audio
Walker sacks DOC commissioner after scathing report; House lawmakers scour prison stats; FBI to investigate controversial Sitka arrest, tasing event; Railroad hopes Congress fixes expensive math gaffe; Trans-Pacific Partnership nixes sockeye tariffs; BC tells Tulsequah mine to control leakage; Forum: Alaska holding out against emission-cutting policies; Dillingham youth center to close as funding runs dryDownload Audio
Municipal officials in Sitka were briefed about the repeated tasering of a teen in police custody, shortly after the incident occurred in September of last year.Download Audio
BLM approves drilling permit in Alaska petroleum reserve; A quick and handy guide to the enigmatic Alaska LNG project; Spice-related hospitalizations spike, but not enough to deter use; Ex-FBI agent faults Fairbanks police interrogation tactics; Drones vie for role in wildfire fight; The weatherman at the end of the western world; Sitka rolls out welcome wagon for Russian diplomatDownload Audio
A man from the Bering Sea island community of Savoonga is stuck in Russia after traveling there through a unique visa-free travel program for Alaska Natives. Despite not needing a visa for the trip, Sivoy Miklahook now finds himself on the wrong side of the Strait as his Russian papers inch closer to expiration.Download Audio
UAF comes clean about disciplinary failures in sex abuse, rape cases; City unveils plan to combat escalating Spice emergencies; Unalaska museum closes after ancient Bible found in director's house; Murkowski's irate over canceled leases, Interior nominee heard all about it; Under US chairmanship, Arctic Council convenes in Anchorage; Fairbanks Police Department under fire at city council meeting; Alaskan stuck in Russia after visiting relatives thereDownload Audio