Libby Casey
Republicans in the U.S. House are rejecting a plan to extend the popular payroll tax cut Americans are now getting.
Alaska Senator Mark Begich yesterday got to use the power of his Commerce subcommittee chairmanship to aim some barbs at genetically engineered salmon. Begich and Senator Lisa Murkowski have introduced a bill that would ban interstate commerce of what they're calling "frankenfish."
The U.S. Senate voted to confirm Judge Morgan Christen on Thursday to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The tally was 95-3.
The Federal Office that’s coordinating plans for an Alaska natural gas pipeline project takes a huge hit in a spending bill unveiled by the U.S. House over night.
Democrats and Republicans are wrestling over how to pay for continuing the payroll tax holiday that’s been in affect this year.
Congress is scheduled to adjourn for the holidays within the week, but there’s a hefty to-do list remaining before they can leave Washington.
For the third time in as many years, tribal leaders are gathered in Washington for a summit with the White House. President Obama told the hundreds of Native leaders at the Department of the Interior auditorium today (Friday) that his administration will improve educational opportunities in their communities.
Thursday, Alaska’s Lieutenant Governor pressed Congress for new icebreaker ships to operate in the Arctic. Mead Treadwell testified before a Transportation subcommittee in Washington Thursday morning and said the United States also needs legal measures to protect its shores from unregulated, foreign vessels carrying hazardous cargo near Alaska’s coasts.
Senator Lisa Murkowski is calling for an investigation into why the Justice Department is not prosecuting former Veco executive Bill Allen.
The House Ethics Committee is extending an investigation into possible violations by Rep. Don Young of Alaska. Today’s announcement was the first public confirmation that the ethics panel is probing into Young. The Congressman's office says the investigation centers around donations made to his legal defense fund and whether they exceed the legal limit.