Leila Kheiry
Three people were arrested in a drug bust in Ketchikan Tuesday night. During the bust, Ketchikan police seized a pound of meth, 2.75 ounces of heroin, a handgun and a semiautomatic assault rifle loaded with armor-piercing bullets. Listen now
A group of Ketchikan residents gathered on the downtown cruise ship dock to board the Holland America ship Zaandam. The group had a fancy lunch on board, and then took a tour of not-so-fancy areas that most people never see: wastewater treatment, emissions filtration and garbage sorting.
Citing improper arguments by the prosecution, the Alaska Court of Appeals on Friday overturned the murder conviction of a 25-year-old Ketchikan man who was found guilty about five-and-a-half years ago. Listen now
It’s rained enough in Ketchikan the past couple of days that fish are swimming across the road. Listen now
Alaska Gov. Bill Walker was joined in Ketchikan on Thursday by U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, state Sen. Bert Stedman and state Rep. Dan Ortiz to sign a bill accepting a land trade between the U.S. Forest Service and Alaska Mental Health Trust. Listen now
A Princess Cruise Lines ship traveling through Southeast Alaska’s Inside Passage hit a humpback whale that became lodged on the front bulbous bow. Listen now
A green sponge discovered in 2005 in Southeast Alaska waters has unique properties that could be used to treat certain types of cancer. Listen now
A 32-year-old Washington state man pleaded not guilty Monday to first- and second-degree murder charges related to the March 16 death of Ketchikan surgeon Dr. Eric Garcia. Listen now
The Wrangell Borough Assembly approved an amended contract with union employees during a special meeting Thursday, ending what have been contentious negotiations with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Listen now
McPherson Music has been the cornerstone of Ketchikan’s music scene since the 1980s. Now, though, McPherson Music is for sale. Listen now