Krysti Shallenberger
Tribes began work on the project 40 years ago, but have recently run into challenges paying for it. Now, Donlin Gold is offering to pay some of the money to support it in lieu of federal taxes.
Pedro John Mark Active was arrested on May 1, five months after a 15-year-old girl reported that he assaulted her while she slept on November 3, 2019.
Ravn’s bankruptcy earlier this month left a lot of questions for rural healthcare providers who depend on those airlines to fly patients in for medical care.
With the first case of COVID-19 confirmed in Southwest Alaska, state and tribal health officials are working to provide adequate supplies for medical…
Ravn Air's bankruptcy and travel restrictions are among the challenges health workers face in getting tests done in rural communities.
This year was supposed to be Donlin's biggest drilling program in over a decade.
Jordan Mark, 18, was charged with murder, sexual abuse of a minor, kidnapping and evidence tampering in her death.
The young girl was reported missing to Alaska State Troopers on Monday at approximately 5 p.m. A trooper report said that about two hours later, Tribal Police Officers located her body.
The Cama’i Dance Festival in Bethel has been postponed until Fall 2020 out of concerns over the coronavirus.
Quinhagak runway maintenance problems have been well-documented for years. The airport struggles with erosion, and last year planes couldn’t land at night because the runway lights were out.