Krysti Shallenberger
Teachers were working on curriculum for a fifth grade textbook about human impacts on the environment.
The positive cases include two Bethel courthouse employees, and three staff members at the Yukon Kuskokwim Correctional Center.
Troopers say that 56-year-old Josephine Link was found unresponsive in an open field near the coastal community.
The Lower Yukon community of Mountain Village is shutting its doors to nearby nonresidents unless they have permission to enter from the tribe.
A 22-year-old village public safety officer in the Southwest Alaska community of Eek has been charged with sexual assault and human trafficking.
The communities are shutting down in order to help one another out, after cases are first reported in nearby communities.
There were no fatalities in the accident, but the Division of Forestry says only one of the three firefighters who was injured has returned to work.
Two skiffs collided on the Johnson River on Sunday.
After the short-selling firm J Capital Research released a report suggesting the Donlin Gold mine was too expensive to build, NovaGold's stock price dropped, but since then its prices have rebounded.
A group of shareholders wants a vote on whether or not the controversial gold mine should be built.