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Kristin Spack

  • Here’s an Alaska moment. It’s a weekend afternoon, you’ve been stuck indoors all day, you see that beautiful winter light in the sky, and you say, ‘let’s go skating.’ Half an hour later, you’re gliding over a frozen pond with your neighbors, getting rosy cheeks, and looking forward to hot chocolate. We're talking about ice skating, the casual community kind, where everyone can participate and enjoy a winter day with friends.KSKA: Thursday 1/16 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pmListen Now
  • This week on Addressing Alaskans, Fairbanks grown Michael Carey reflects how newspapers and books have shaped his career as an Alaska news man. "Newspapers were my teachers." Reporting on Alaska news and politics at the Anchorage Daily New and Alaska Public Media for over three decades, Carey recounts his most memorable communications with readers and unforgettable interviews with influential Alaskans in his talk "Everyone You Meet is Your Teacher: What the Buddha Taught and Alaska Newspaperman."KSKA: Tuesday 1/14 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pmListen Now
  • We humans have the tendency to overdo a good thing. On the next Line One, we will discuss an example of this principle, antibiotic overuse and subsequent microbial resistance to antibiotics with Dr. Michael Bell, Deputy Director of CDC′s Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion.KSKA: Monday 1/13 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pmListen Now
  • re’s the music playlist from the December 28, 2013 edition of Soul to Soul with Marvel and Sherry Johnson. All tracks played are listed below in the…
  • Tour of Anchorage 2013 from ATMI on Vimeo.You don't have to be an Olympian to participate in a Nordic ski race. Anchorage has races for the rest of us, where fast skiers can duel at the front while older and less competitive skiers push their personal limits. The Tour of Anchorage is the biggest race of the year, with up to 2,000 contestants covering up to 50 kilometers, but local volunteers organize many other cross-country ski races during the winter that are open to anyone willing to try.KSKA: Thursday 1/9 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pmListen Now
  • On the next Addressing Alaskans, take a month-by-month look at the year ahead through the eyes of area wildlife biologist, Jessy Coltrane. "April is tax day and remove your bird feeder month!" "I like to call May, 'Who's poop is this?'"Stories of hammock entangled moose, even swing set wearing moose are interwoven into Jessy's talk entitled, "365 Days of Big Wildlife: Managing Wildlife Conflicts in Alaska's Biggest City," recorded at a BLM Campbell Creek Science Center Fireside Chat in December.KSKA: Tuesday 1/7 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm Listen Now
  • For the United States the leading cause of death between one year and 45 years of age is unintentional injury, causing about 120,000 deaths for all age groups; but for the majority of the world’s population infections remain the leading killers. Malaria alone kills about 660,000 people per year. The Global Fund, our topic on Line One, seeks to fund the fight against HIV AIDS tuberculosis and malaria.KSKA: Monday 1/7 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pmListen Now
  • Hear stories of missed connections, treasure maps and chasing the dream on the next Arctic Entries Radio Hour. “I know you’re out there" is the theme for all of these stories originally told in February 2013 at the Snow Goose Theatre in Anchorage as part of the Arctic Entries live event.KSKA: Wednesday 1/1 at 2:00 pm
  • Here’s the music playlist from the December 21, 2013 edition of Soul to Soul with Marvel and Sherry Johnson. All tracks played are listed below in the…
  • From Shakespeare to a South African tour-de-force, to a world premier from a local playwright, Cyrano's Theatre Company's 2014 season promises to be full of surprises, artistic challenges and more. Join Producing Artistic Director Sandy Harper as she gives Stage Talk a heads-up into what the theatre has coming up this year.KSKA: Friday 12/27 at 2:45 pmListen Now