Joe Viechnicki
The week-long festival celebrates the fishing village's Norwegian heritage.
A Petersburg man in a Seattle hospital after testing positive with COVID-19 Monday, March 16, his family said.
Service on the state ferry Matanuska may not resume in early March as repairs to the fleet’s sole operating mainliner have yet to begin.
Isaac David Friday, 27, is facing one charge of murder in the first degree for the 2017 death of 19-year-old Jade Williams.
For Southcentral, some of the measures under consideration include a one fish bag limit, additional closed days or size limits.
Film crews followed police officers for 10-16 hours a day in Fairbanks, Kodiak, Kotzebue and Petersburg as they answered calls for criminal activity and wildlife problems.
Permitting work and environmental review will continue into 2020.
Representatives of an effort to seek land for Alaska Natives in five Southeast Alaska communities spoke briefly with Petersburg’s borough assembly this month in hopes of gaining the support of the municipality.
Alaska’s Congressional delegation announced a two-year extension for Secure Rural Schools payments, money paid to municipalities for school operations and maintenance, road work and special projects around forest land.
The proposed ordinance, similar to another proposal defeated by voters in 2017, would have allowed ATVs and other off-highway vehicles on borough streets with a number of conditions.