Jacob Resneck
Most of the revenue raised from the tax would go toward highway maintenance. And it enjoys wide support from business and industry groups that say it would help reinvest in Alaska’s road infrastructure.
The Fairweather and Chenega have been tied up in Ketchikan since 2019 and 2015, respectively. They were relatively new additions to the Alaska Marine Highway System’s fleet, purchased about 15 years ago for $68 million.
Democratic lawmakers said the bill was a step in the right direction, but left many problems with the Alaska Marine Highway System.
The state-run Division of Motor Vehicle offices in Haines, Homer, Valdez, Tok, Delta Junction and Eagle River would be eliminated under a plan presented Thursday by Department of Administration Commissioner Kelly Tshibaka.
The U.S. and Canada say that with the completion of a 2-year report on stream monitoring, the work of the landmark commission is done. Tribes and fishing groups disagree.
Applications from fishermen will be accepted during a two-month window that opens March 1 with payments could come as early as June.
Trasmapi, a Mediterranean-based catamaran operator, offered about $4.6 million for the Fairweather and Chenega ferries. But that was less than half the $10 million reserve price set by the state.
A final report released Jan. 28 by the National Transportation Safety Board says there isn’t enough evidence to explain how or why a twin-engine medevac plane plummeted from 2500 feet in just 14 seconds in 2019.
The Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission decides who gets commercial fishing permits. Commissioners receive six-figure salaries.
Why was Jason Vinberg shot to death by a special forces member at the Kodiak naval base on June 30? His family wants to know — and so do federal prosecutors.