Greg Knight
Sam Schimmel, 23, is an Indigenous youth advocate who is Siberian Yupik and Kenaitze Indian.
Koyuk's city clerk says there is a plan to fix the system once temperatures warm up.
Local officials say three businesses' suspension of Sunday alcohol sales is contributing to reduced crime and emergency service calls.
The study shows several anomalies consistent with previously unknown burials at Pilgrim Hot Springs, about 60 miles north of Nome.
Businesses reported a feeling of strong sales and a post-COVID return to more normal business conditions, according to City Manager Glenn Steckman.
One of the scenarios the U.S. plans and trains for is an oil spill off the Seward Peninsula, potentially involving Russian vessels, that reaches Alaska shores.
The Bering Strait Native Corporation is providing 100 cases of drinking water to Koyuk after a recent freeze affected homes and other buildings.
A GoFundMe account has been set up for Ivory Okleasik, who crashed during the annual Nome-Golovin snowmachine race on March 12.
Miron Golfman crossed the finish line of the Iditarod Trail Invitational in downtown Nome at 12:51 p.m. Wednesday.
Space could be short for visitors to the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race's finish in Nome.