Clarise Larson
Nearly 100 other elementary-age athletes participated in that competition that featured six distinct events including the Alaskan high kick, scissor broad jump and seal hop.
A spokesperson for the airline cited low demand for the flight during the winter months as the reason for the suspension.
The recommendations would revise tourism rules at 13 locations across Alaska's capital city.
The state document bases the projection on a mixture of increased outmigration and deaths outnumbering births in the region.
The facility is a way for the community to have more control over its food, much of which is barged or flown in.
The Friday arrest of James White, 44, follows a seven-month investigation by police into the girl's April 15 death.
The district put together the data after staff and parents raised concerns about the increase in fights at last month’s Juneau School Board meeting.
After decades of trying, state commission approves Hoonah petition to create Alaska’s newest boroughNow, residents of the proposed borough will decide whether to accept it.
Unofficial results from the Division of Elections early last week showed one Southeast Alaska precinct seemed to overwhelmingly choose a peculiar…
Thursday's departure ended a season dominated by a contentious ballot proposition and a surprise port announcement.