Alexandra Gutierrez
A bill that would allow the state to drug test recipients of cash assistance programs got its first hearing on Tuesday.
At today’s prices, Alaska’s oil tax system can be compared to those of Norway, Russia, and Venezuela in terms of how much money it puts in state coffers. A plan introduced by the Senate finance committee today would change that. It’s a new version of the oil tax plan Governor Parnell introduced earlier this session.
Less than 5 percent of food consumed in Alaska is harvested in the state. Now, a group of lawmakers want to find ways to increase that amount.
Around this time of year, Juneau is known for the bustle of the legislative session — the committee hearings, the press conferences, and the many, many floor speeches. But after hours, some members of the capital gang can be found making noise of a different variety.
For the past two days, the House Finance Committee has heard testimony on what it should cut from the operating budget and, especially, what it shouldn’t. Opposition has been especially vocal when it comes to an $8.4 million reduction in behavioral health funding.
Lawmakers in the House of Representatives have trimmed Gov. Sean Parnell’s operating budget by two percent.
One hundred years ago this week, the first territorial legislature gathered in Juneau. For the past few days, legislators past and present have been celebrating that event, and reflecting on Alaska’s history since the inaugural meeting.
The Alaska House passed legislation that would change the way water rights are processed. The bill is part of Gov. Sean Parnell’s efforts to overhaul permitting regulations, and it’s prompted some criticism from conservation groups.
As the Alaska state legislature starts its budget hearings, Sen. Mark Begich is offering his own request: Put $2 billion toward ports infrastructure.
The group tasked with looking at the Department of Education and Early Development in the House rolled out their recommendations on Thursday, and their cuts to pre-school programs amount to $1 million.