ConocoPhillips Alaska - search results

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an oil facility in a remote, snowy area

ConocoPhillips Alaska says gas release source is controlled

The release was first detected last month at one of the company’s North Slope drill sites.

Will Alaska oil production get a boost from high prices? Not likely, says this industry observer.

Even with oil above $100 a barrel, longtime industry observer Larry Persily says it's unlikely the high prices will drive up production in Alaska.

ConocoPhillips says it’s still working to find source of North Slope gas leak

The company says a subsurface gas leak was first observed at the Alpine site early in the morning on Friday, March 4. By March 7, the company relocated 300 of the site’s roughly 400 workers. The site is currently not producing oil. 

Alaska North Slope natural gas leak is under investigation

Authorities are investigating a natural gas leak detected last week at a ConocoPhillips Alaska oil drill site on Alaska’s North Slope, officials said.
A community on the edge of a frozen ocean.

A historic settlement turns 50, but questions linger over whether it was fair

While the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act created monetary wealth for Alaska Native shareholders, it also came at a huge cost.

Interior Department report calls for higher oil and gas royalties. Murkowski objects.

New report says oil companies aren't paying enough for production on federal lands.

Alaska’s oil and gas jobs have failed to rebound from pandemic losses, slowing state’s overall recovery

Anchorage Daily News reporter Alex DeMarban says there are many factors and many uncertainties, but it's clear the lack of jobs in Alaska's oil industry has an outsized impact on the state.
A pipeline stretching toward a sunset

Biden administration lets stand a judgment thwarting Willow, a ConocoPhillips drilling project in Arctic

A judge's decision reversed approval for the NPR-A project. The Biden administration did not appeal the ruling by Tuesday's deadline.

Murkowski out of brief quarantine for suspected COVID-19

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski was briefly in quarantine but her office says she’s had two negative tests within 24 hours and does not have COVID-19.
An aerial view of one of the exploration pads and wells that ConocoPhillips drilled during the 2018 exploration season at its Willow prospect.

Federal judge reverses Trump environmental approval for major Alaska oil project

The Willow project, if it's built, could produce 160,000 barrels of oil a day — roughly a third of Alaska's current total production. But the judge faulted the Trump administration's analysis of the project's potential greenhouse gas pollution and effects on polar bears.

Federal judge blocks Biden’s pause on new oil, gas leases

The Biden administration’s suspension of new oil and gas leases on federal land and water was blocked Tuesday by a federal judge in Louisiana, who ordered that plans be resumed for lease sales that were delayed for the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska.

Email records: Little contact between Alaska Gov. Dunleavy’s former aide and oil company that hired him

Interest groups and some Alaska lawmakers have been scrutinizing Stevens’ move from state service to the private sector, saying the quick transition between them raises questions about whether Stevens is complying with state ethics laws.
a herd of caribouo eat grass in some rolling hills

Biden administration puts Arctic refuge leases on ice as it asks for new environmental reviews

The leases were issued to Alaska’s state-owned economic development corporation and two smaller companies in the final days of Donald Trump’s presidency. The Interior Department says it could reaffirm or void the leases, or require more environmental protections.
An aerial view of one of the exploration pads and wells that ConocoPhillips drilled during the 2018 exploration season at its Willow prospect.

Biden administration throws support behind massive Willow oil project in NPR-A

Alaska’s congressional delegation cheered the news, while environmental groups feel betrayed.

Biden signs bill to allow cruise ships back into Alaska

The bill allows cruise ships to sail between Washington state and Alaska without a stop in Canada
LArge wooden doors opening to a dais

Alaska lawmakers confirm attorney general, department heads

Alaska legislators confirmed Gov. Dunleavy cabinet appointees Tuesday, including commissioners of Public Safety and Revenue, and his Attorney General.
A white man with a suit and red tie

15 years after VECO scandal, Stevens’ new oil job renews old ethics questions

A decade after the VECO corruption scandal pushed lawmakers to pass sweeping ethics reforms, Ben Stevens — one of the scandal's central figures — has prompted new ethical questions by moving from a powerful government job to an executive post at oil company ConocoPhillips.
A person inserts a syring in a jar of liquid

Yup’ik college student, founder of Alaska biotech company, wins international entrepreneur award

Michael Martinez, a UAA student originally from Kotlik won an international award for finding a way to extract rare earth metals without hurting the environment.
A committee room with a wood desks all around

New attorney general targets Alaska’s high rate of sex crimes at confirmation hearing

During his confirmation hearing on Monday, Treg Taylor said his first priority as Alaska’s attorney general is to end the state’s position as the worst for sex crimes.
A white man with a suit and red tie

Alaska Gov. Dunleavy’s administration says it’s ensuring “ethical transition” of chief of staff to ConocoPhillips job

Ben Stevens’ last day in the governor’s office was Friday, Feb. 26, and he started work as vice president of external affairs and transportation at ConocoPhillips the following Monday.