ConocoPhillips Alaska - search results

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Alaska News Nightly: April 25, 2008

Kodiak School Superintendent Larry LeDoux is appointed state Education Commissioner. Meanwhile the US House passes a new Coast Guard authorization bill. Plus, the Alaska...

Community Forum: Denali, an Alaska gas pipeline

British Petroleum and ConocoPhillips surprised Alaskans Tuesday when they announced they are starting immediately to build Denali, an Alaska Gas Pipeline. And, both BP...

BP, ConocoPhillips plan joint gas pipeline

Jim Bowles and Doug Suttles announcing the joint pipeline plan on April 8 in Anchorage. Photo by Brian Adams Oil giants BP and ConocoPhillips announced...

Alaska delegation welcomes gasline announcement

Ted Stevens, Lisa Murkowski and Don Young all came out in support of the BP / ConocoPhillips natural gas pipeline plan announced today. They...

Alaska News Nightly: April 8, 2008

BP and ConocoPhillips announce plans to build a natural gas pipeline to the lower 48. Reaction from politicians both in Juneau and  Washington, DC...

Talk of Alaska: Approaching AGIA

The Governor has called for a special legislative session on the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act (AGIA) this spring and is sharing two members of...

Talk of Alaska: The Alaska Gasline Inducement Act (AGIA)

We've had some illuminating shows with ConocoPhillips and the Alaska Gasline Port Authority about competing plans for pipelines to deliver Alaska's natural gas to...

Talk of Alaska: The LNG Option

The Alaska Gasline Port Authority's bid to build a pipeline between the North Slope and Valdez was recently thrown out by the state on...

Talk of Alaska: ConocoPhillips' gas line proposal

Alaska lawmakers have announced they want to take a look at ConocoPhillips' alternative plan for a natural gas pipeline from the North Slope. ...

Alaska News Nightly: January 11, 2008

The Alaska Department of Transportation extends the comment period on state's Long Range Transportation Plan. Plus, The Alaska Gasline Port Authority asks the...

New Cancer Center receives record contribution

ConocoPhillips President Jim Bowles (left) and Providence Chief Executive Al Parrish (right). Yesterday Providence Alaska Medical Center's brand new Cancer Center was treated to...

Alaska News Nightly: December 17, 2007

Anchorage skier Kikkan Randall made  skiing history this weekend with a World Cup win in Russia.  Plus, scientists document the disturbing affects of ocean...

ConocoPhillips chief visiting DC for pipeline plan

The President of ConocoPhillips Alaska, Jim Bowles, is in the nation's capitol today rounding up support for the gas pipeline proposal that was given...

Alaska News Nightly: December 6, 2007

The state is suing the consulting firm it says is responsible for the multi-billion dollar retirement system shortfall. Plus, the University of Alaska...

ConocoPhillips submits gasline proposal

Governor Sarah Palin will announce within the hour which companies have submitted applications to build a natural gas pipeline. They must meet the state's...

ConocoPhillips backs away from North Slope upgrade

One of Alaska's largest oil producers is canceling a major construction project on the North Slope, and is blaming the state's new oil tax...

Legislators Gara and French asking ethical questions of major oil companies

Two Alaska lawmakers are calling on major oil companies to disclose whether they coordinated with VECO while the company's executives were bribing state legislators...

Alaska News Nightly: October 1, 2007

Alaska lawmakers look at whether major oil producers coordinated with VECO while the company was bribing legislators last year. Plus, Juneau residents consider returning...