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Alaska News Nightly: Friday Sept. 30, 2016

Lawmakers see Walker's potential pension bonds as risky; In Asia, Walker's team gets audience but no deals; Anchorage's $35M budget hole filled by taxes, leftover surplus, and cuts; Assembly member proposes overhaul of Anchorage taxi industry; hundreds of thousands “misappropriated” by former Naknek Electric manager; Prince William and Kate Middleton visit Yukon communities; AK: Gracias Choir: Christmas in October; 49 Voices: Andrew Freed of Anchorage Listen Now

State calls a truce in Prudhoe Bay dispute

Gov. Bill Walker’s administration has called a truce in its dispute with the big three North Slope oil producers over plans for Prudhoe Bay.

Questions surround Walker’s gas line plan

Gov. Bill Walker is making the case that his new gas line plan will get the project off the drawing board and on to Alaskan soil. But it’s not hard to find skeptics who say Walker is just creating more paperwork.

The man with the plan: Can Keith Meyer sell the gas line?

As the state of Alaska takes the lead in the effort to build a natural gas pipeline from the North Slope, it finds itself taking responsibility for what would be one of the largest, most complex projects in the world. The man in charge is Keith Meyer, the new president of the Alaska Gasline Development Corp.
Bill Walker, fifth from left. As a Valdez City Council member, Walker traveled with a delegation from the Organization for the Management of Alaska Resources (later the Resource Development Council) to meet with California Gov. Jerry Brown to advocate for a gas line, 1977. (Photo courtesy of Bill and Donna Walker)

Man on a mission: Gov. Walker and the gas line

The announcement this summer that Alaska will pursue a state-owned natural gas pipeline is a major U-turn after more than a decade of negotiations with the big three North Slope oil companies.

BlueCrest neighbors adjust to life near a bustling oil pad

Residents of a tiny Kenai Peninsula subdivision near Anchor Point thought they had a little slice of peace and quiet. But a tract of homestead land to the south held an oil test well. And now it’s home to 38 acres of an active oil well, processing train, natural gas flare, workers’ camp, truck filling station and a five-story rig that is about to start drilling 30 more wells. LISTEN NOW

Pipeline Promises: Alaska’s quest for a natural gas line

For more than forty years, the state has tried, and failed, to bring natural gas from Alaska’s North Slope to market. In all, there have been at least ten different versions of the pipeline mega project. And not one has come close to breaking ground. This week, Alaska's Energy Desk is examining some of the reasons why the state has struck out in its efforts to bring it's substantial natural gas reserves to market. LISTEN NOW
Dr. Deena Paramo

Clock is ticking on state dispute with Prudhoe Bay leaseholders

The clock is ticking on a dispute between Governor Bill Walker's administration and the state's largest oil producers.

State takes control of gas line megaproject; consultant warns of major risks

The state of Alaska is formally taking over the massive North Slope gas line project. Listen now
Lawmakers listened to testimony from Wood Mackenzie's David Barrowman at a joint hearing of the House and Senate Resources Committees on Aug. 24, 2016. From left: Sen. Anna MacKinnon, R-Eagle River; Sen. Cathy Giessel, R-Anchorage; and Rep. David Talerico, R-Healy. Photo: Rachel Waldholz, Alaska's Energy Desk

Report: Gas line project not competitive without major changes

Alaska’s natural gas pipeline project -- as currently envisioned -- is not competitive and likely cannot succeed in the current market. That’s the conclusion of a report from the outside consulting firm Wood Mackenzie. Listen now

49 Voices: Omega Smith of Anchorage

This week we’re hearing from Omega Smith, who manages the UAA planetarium in Anchorage. Listen now

At DNR, new leader tackles ‘maze’ of oil and gas development on federal land

From Soldotna to the North Slope to Anchorage, the state’s newest natural resources commissioner has spent his career weighing in on energy issues all over the state. Now, Andy Mack has been tapped by Gov. Bill Walker to help guide the state through the maze of federal regulations required to develop oil and gas resources. Listen now
John Hendrix started work as Gov. Bill Walker's chief oil and gas adviser in July 2016. Photo: Rachel Waldholz, Alaska's Energy Desk

Walker’s new oil and gas advisor wants to put some “grit” in the system

When Gov. Bill Walker announced the creation of a new cabinet position — a chief oil and gas adviser — he framed it as a way to improve his administration’s often rocky relationship with the oil and gas industry. Listen now

BLM to review new ConocoPhillips project in National Petroleum Reserve

The Bureau of Land Management is launching an environmental review of ConocoPhillips' most recent proposal in the National Petroleum Reserve, called Greater Mooses Tooth 2. Listen now

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, August 4, 2016

Walker appoints Arctic policy advisor for D.C. office; majority Republicans worry about possible bipartisan coalition; BLM to review new ConocoPhillips project in Petroleum Reserve; Banner Helath suffers cyber attack potentially affecting millions; bringing UA under single accreditation not viable option, study finds; bill would speed Tongass-Mental Health Trust land trade; lower 48 wildfires cause Alaska firefighters to head over and help; EPA under pressure from air quality advocates in Fairbanks to address air pollution; attorneys argue for listing bearded seals as threatened; fall Yukon chum run starts stronger than anticipated; Kombi Life shows two partners traveling from South America to Alaska Listen now

Lawmakers press on North Slope marketing request

At a Senate Resource Committee meeting on Tuesday, lawmakers pressed state officials eabout why the administration is trying to obtain gas marketing information from North Slope oil and gas producers. Gov. Bill Walker has yet to sign off on the oil companies’ 2016 development plan for Prudhoe Bay.

Obama Administration announces new Arctic drilling rules

The Obama Administration Thursday issued new regulations covering offshore drilling in the Arctic. Listen now

Walker: Oil companies suggested state take over gas line project

Walker's comments came a day after lawmakers grilled his point person on the Alaska LNG project. Meanwhile, the companies expressed skepticism about the state-led approach, telling a slightly different story. Download Audio

Gov’s pipeline proposal raises eyebrows

After more than two years of working with the big three North Slope oil companies, state officials are proposing Alaska take a larger stake -- or complete control of the project. Download Audio

State considers major changes to Alaska LNG project

State officials said today the administration is considering increasing the state's stake in the project -- or even taking over ownership completely. Download Audio