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Inupiat leaders say offshore drilling proposal ‘ignored’ local concerns

In a recent letter to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, VOICE wrote, “with respect to the Arctic [Outer Continental Shelf] announcement on the [Draft Proposed Program], we feel the concerns of local organizations were ignored and that deeply disturbs us.” Listen now

Alaska’s only tribal college now offering bachelor’s degree in business

The college's President hopes the bachelor’s program will give local students the qualifications they need to fill positions that might otherwise go to applicants from elsewhere. Listen now

Borough mayor on new potential development coming to the North Slope

On ANWR and the new offshore plan, the mayor says that communication with the federal government will be key. Listen now

Walker faces Wednesday deadline to fill District 40 seat

There are two new candidate: Kotzebue resident John Lincoln and Utqiagvik resident Abel Hopson-Suvlu. Listen now

Nominees for vacant House seat meet with Walker, describe qualifications

Gov. Bill Walker met Monday with the three nominees for the now vacant District 40 seat for the Alaska House. The district covers the North Slope and Northwest Arctic boroughs and is open because former Rep. Dean Westlake resigned after allegations of sexual harassment. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: What is polar amplification?

The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet. Brettschneider says it’s a phenomenon called polar amplification. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: 2017 was hot around the globe, warm in Alaska

Across the globe, 2017 was the second hottest year on record, just behind 2016, according to a European Union monitoring center. Temperatures in Alaska last year were a bit more moderate. 2017 was the 13th warmest year on record. Listen now

Disaster declared for North Slope Borough damage from fall storm

It's the second time in three years that the North Slope Borough has received a disaster declaration for a winter storm. Listen now

Alaska’s only tribal college will waive tuition for Alaska Native students

The ultimate goal of the waiver program is to encourage more Alaska Native students to finish their associate degrees and go on to get their bachelor’s. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: A remarkably warm December

December has been remarkably warm across Alaska. Listen now

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2017

Trump lauds ANWR passage; Young: 'We finally got it done'; Oil companies aren’t promising to drill in ANWR…so how interested are they?; ACLU won't challenge Assembly's modified anti-camping measure; Anchorage firefighter wins nearly $780,000 in lawsuit against city; Walker budget proposes fix for spring ferry funding foul-up; Alaska’s only tribal college will waive tuition for Alaska Native students; T-rexes, minions and more at the ninth annual Polar Plunge; The real cost of child care in Juneau Listen now

High temperatures in Utqiaġvik confuse NOAA algorithm

This November in Utqiaġvik was the hottest on record, averaging 17.2°F. It was so warm that NOAA's quality control algorithms flagged the data. Listen now

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, Dec. 14, 2017

Credit rating agency sees a ‘clear path,’ as Alaska tries to balance its budget; Alaska investigators nab 3 in botnet attacks, 'click fraud' scam; ACA health insurance applications due Friday; Kenai sees return of tree-killing beetle; Warming in Utqiaġvik so fast, NOAA algorithm flags as mistake; King Cove closer to goal of 100 percent renewable energy; Four Alaska firefighters dispatched to battle California blazes; Two really, really big cruise ships headed to Alaska; Alaskans are aging in Alaska, so now what? Listen now

New fiber-optic cable system to turbocharge North Slope broadband access

Residents of five North Slope communities will soon have access to much faster internet connections, now that Anchorage-based Quintillion has activated its new, land- and sea-based fiber-optic cable network. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: Chukchi Sea ice at record low

Ice in the Chukchi Sea is at a record low for this time of year, by a wide margin. Listen now

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, Oct. 27, 2017

Payroll tax and crime overhaul on the docket for fourth special legislative session; Legislative pay could suffer cuts; Jury finds man guilty of killing Alaska attorney in 2014; Young Alaskans sue the state, demanding action on climate change; Eighty tons of contested Bristol Bay salmon trashed in Anchorage landfill; Body recovered downstream of Carlanna Lake Dam; UAA names economics lab after Nobel laureate Vernon Smith; AK: The Birdman of Alcatraz's grisly Juneau connection; 49 Voices: Carissa Pearce of Anchorage Listen now

Alaska U.S. senators quiet on colleagues’ critique of Trump

Two Republicans rocked the U.S. Senate Tuesday with harsh criticism of President Trump, for what they call flagrant disregard for truth and debasing the nation. So far, the two senators aren't discussing it. Listen now

AK: At Wales’ Kingikmiut Festival, dancing to heal

Last month, the community of Wales, in Western Alaska, hosted one of the biggest Alaska Native dance festivals in the state. 10 groups from around the region and as far as Anchorage flew in to the village over Labor Day weekend, to sing, dance, drum, talk — and heal. Listen now

Fat bike and packraft adventurers

KSKA: Thursday, September 28, at 2:00p.m. On the next Outdoor Explorer, some real explorers. Bjorn Olsen and Kim McNett explored much of Alaska’s Arctic Ocean coast by fat bike and pack raft, and they brought back some great stories and insights. We’ll also talk about their trips on the Kenai Peninsula and how you can try out this fast and remarkably practical way of covering the backcountry by pedaling and paddling, and go to new, exciting places. LISTEN HERE

Alaska hatches plan for vast road network across the Arctic

Alaska's capital budget this year includes $7.3 million to plan the construction of an Arctic road system. Listen now