ConocoPhillips Alaska - search results

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Chinese officials tour proposed gasline project

A Chinese group is touring the route of a proposed Alaska natural gas pipeline. Chinese government and energy officials are investigating the project in cooperation with the state of Alaska, in anticipation of investing in construction of the $43 billion gas line. Listen now

Feds take key step toward approving another Conoco development in NPR-A

If it goes forward, the project would be ConocoPhillips's third oil development inside the boundaries of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. Listen now

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, March 22, 2018

What's in it for Alaska? Here are 6 things in the federal spending bill; Congress poised to approve $15M for village relocation in Alaska; As bridge fix continues, Glenn Highway congestion could go on for days; ACLU sues city of Palmer over alleged unlawful immigrant arrest; State budget largely unchanged after 3 days of amendments; Feds take key step toward approving another Conoco development in NPR-A; Using wood to stay warm in Bethel; What it takes to respond to a mental health crisis Listen now
An oil rig at Prudhoe Bay.

Murkowski sends letter questioning oil companies about drop in Alaska hire

Murkowski cited a recently released Alaska Department of Labor report, stating the share of out-of-state workers in Alaska's oil industry rose to 37.1 percent in 2016. Listen now

2018 AEDC Economic Forecast for Anchorage

KSKA: Tuesday, Feb. 13 at 2pm. This week we’re hearing the 2018 Economic Forecast for Anchorage, presented by the Anchorage Economic Development Corporation. LISTEN HERE

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, Feb. 2, 2018

Amid assault allegations, Rep. Zach Fansler resigns; Two lawsuits challenge NPR-A lease sale; While residents oppose Donlin’s waste plans, industry groups and Native corporations voice support; Andeavor buys Kenai Liquefied Natural Gas Facility; In rural Alaska, looking inside the home to reduce energy costs; Boeing receives defense contract to expand missile defense at Fort Greely; Yukon Quest kicks off tomorrow; AK: When homelessness is around the corner, even the helpers can become helpless; 49 Voices: Carolina Vidal of Anchorage Listen now

It’s hurry up and wait for state gasline corporation’s federal permitting schedule

Alaska’s gasline corporation has filed tens of thousands of pages of documents for their federal permit. Now it's waiting for the commission to make a decision on if, and when, the state can get to work on its massive liquefied natural gas (LNG) export project. Listen now

North Slope oil production ticked up again in 2017

Alyeska announced that the pipeline's average throughput went up by about 10,000 barrels per day in 2017 compared to 2016, a 1.5 percent increase. Listen now

Unique payment plan for companies who owe TAPS settlement money

A new state law allows those companies to pay that debt with tax credits, meaning the state might not see any of that money. At least, not in cash. Listen now

State approves ExxonMobil’s expansion plan for Point Thomson, ending months-long fight

Gov. Walker approves approves ExxonMobil's plan to explore expansion of the massive Point Thomson gas field. Listen now

Oil companies aren’t promising to drill in ANWR…so how interested are they?

Now, everything that was hypothetical is going to get real. One of the big questions that could finally get answered this: what oil companies, if any, are actually interested in drilling in the Refuge? Listen now

Conoco hopes to crack open off-limits North Slope land

Beyond its current developments, the ConocoPhillips sees even more opportunity further west. But in that direction lies the off-limits Teshekpuk Lake Special Area.

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, Dec. 15, 2017

Amid sexual harassment claims, Rep. Westlake says he’ll resign; Murkowski unsure Congress can investigate Trump on groping charges; Walker proposes smaller budget, plans to fill gap with savings; Conoco hopes to crack open off-limits North Slope land; Alaska marijuana regulators issue first-ever license revocation after slew of violations; ACLU sounds alarm on non-criminal immigrant detentions in Anchorage; Marine biologists seek answers in a warmer Bering Sea; AK: How do you recruit more young Alaska Native nurses?; 49 Voices: Alexandria McLearen of Anchorage Listen now

Oil lease sale for National Petroleum Reserve sees little interest

Nine hundred tracts, totaling more than 10 million acres, were up for bid. But at the annual lease sale held today, oil companies bid on only seven tracts. The sale lasted less than 10 minutes. Listen Now

Prudhoe Bay job numbers fell to lowest since 2007 this year

In May of this year, job numbers in the Prudhoe Bay region dropped to the lowest levels in a decade, according to the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development. Listen now

In China, Alaska gets new gasline partners — but no guarantees

The deal links Alaska’s gas pipeline project to three Chinese entities with deep pockets. Listen now

Oil production is up, and DNR expects it to keep climbing

Production was up about 3 million barrels, and the state is predicting that it’s going to be up next year too. Listen now

Alaska hatches plan for vast road network across the Arctic

Alaska's capital budget this year includes $7.3 million to plan the construction of an Arctic road system. Listen now

There’s a new Arctic drilling battle brewing…and it’s not in ANWR

A series of promising oil discoveries and a recent move by the Trump administration mean the vast, remote National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska is about to get a lot more controversial. Listen now