ConocoPhillips Alaska - search results

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As climate change looms large for the oil industry, what could that mean for Alaska?

In Alaska, oil companies are already seeing the consequences of climate change. But the industry is also grappling with the issue on a much higher level — in a way that could eventually affect whether or not they pursue projects in the Arctic. Listen now

Alaska companies release private data for global seabed mapping project

The goal is to completely map the seafloor by the year 2030 and three Alaska companies are pitching in. Listen now

The company that runs the trans-Alaska pipeline is cutting workforce by 10 percent

The company says it won’t let budget cuts jeopardize the pipeline’s safe operations, since there’s no other way to move oil off the North Slope. Meanwhile, a citizens watchdog group in Valdez says it will seek more information about the company’s reorganization. Listen now

Two major Arctic oil projects near approval

Two major oil developments in the Arctic are likely to get the final go-ahead from the Trump administration this fall. Listen now
A swampy tundra area as seen from above

Major oil development planned in NPR-A to get ‘streamlined’ environmental review

The Bureau of Land Management has kicked off the environmental review process for what could be one of Alaska's biggest future oil developments, in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. The Trump administration wants to make that process go faster. But environmental groups worry a faster review won't do enough to protect the Arctic wilderness. Listen now

Mix of legislators and veterans compete to be Republican lieutenant governor candidate

The lieutenant governor has limited duties under the state constitution: to succeed the governor if necessary, and to oversee initiatives and referendums.

Biggest-ever earthquake recorded on North Slope

A large earthquake was recorded on the North Slope, 52 miles southwest of Kaktovik, at around 7 a.m. Sunday morning. Listen now

Interior official: ‘millions’ more acres in NPR-A to open for oil development

An Interior Department official says the Trump administration is moving to open "millions" more acres in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, or NPR-A, to oil development. Listen now

With tweaks, Alaska Supreme Court rules Yes for Salmon can go on ballot

The Alaska Supreme Court today ruled that only certain provisions of the controversial ballot initiative are unconstitutional. Whether the rest becomes state law will be up to Alaska voters. Listen now

How bold? Governor’s climate action team talks emissions reduction goals and education

Governor Bill Walker’s Climate Action Task Force met Wednesday to discuss a draft document that could influence the state’s climate change policy in the future. Listen now
A swampy tundra area as seen from above

Feds request public input on National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska oil leasing

The federal government is asking the public for input on this year's oil and gas lease sale in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A), an Indiana-sized area of land on the North Slope. Listen now
a ship on the water

Alaska’s LNG project looking for private contractor to help with federal permitting

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission sent a letter to the state, requesting that it pay for a third-party contractor to help with federal review of the project. Listen now

Legislators quiz Alaska LNG project managers on progress

State-led Alaska gasline project leaders confident on progress, minimize tariff impact during legislative update. Listen now

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Conoco buys BP's stake in Alaska No. 2 oilfield; Two new wildfires are  fought in Yukon Flats; Alaska CDQ group wants Congress to count heads; Missing backpackers found dead; Stand for Salmon join Bethel group in protesting Donlin Mine; State officials tour  Yukon River communities, talking salmon; Head of Iditarod drug testing resigns; Wildlife get 3,000 more acres creating corridor on Afognak Island; Coast Guard moves north for 'Arctic Shield' 2018; North Pole moves ahead with water project; Mount Marathon racers: David Norris Listen now

Conoco buys BP’s stake in Alaska’s No. 2 oil field

Conoco is already the biggest oil producer in Alaska, but buying BP’s interest in Kuparuk adds to its growing presence west of Prudhoe Bay.

Conoco’s big plans for NPR-A are getting even bigger

Conoco thinks it's sitting on so much oil that the company is considering building a major new project in the Reserve, a processing facility. Listen now
A pipeline stretching toward a sunset

Oil prices are up, but how long will it last?

The current price of oil is several dollars higher than state economists predicted, but it doesn't quite fill the hole in the state's budget -- and, it doesn't mean oil prices are going to stay up. Listen now

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, April 16, 2018

Independent challenger raising competitive amounts to unseat Don Young; Alaska House and Senate pass dueling school funding plans; Capitol rally calls for more funding to support STEAM education in Alaska; ConocoPhillips announces three new oil discoveries on the North Slope; At USACE scoping meetings in Iliamna Lake region, locals express concerns about Pebble; Court hears arguments in suit over borough invocation policy; Bethel fire chief says BIA building could burn for up to two days; Thousands of quakes hit Alaska since January's major shake; Ted Stevens International Airport ranked fifth busiest hub for air cargo; Nicolas Petit claims decisive win in 2018 Kobuk 440; John Oliver offers movie memorabilia to Anchorage Blockbuster Listen now

ConocoPhillips announces three new oil discoveries on the North Slope

Conoco didn’t release many details about the discoveries, including how much oil was found. But in a press release, the company called the results of this winter’s drilling season “promising.” Listen now

Opponents of salmon ballot initiative raise over $2 million

The opposition group, called Stand for Alaska, reported major contributions from some of Alaska’s biggest industry players. Listen now