Next week, on March 14, ballots will be mailed out to qualified, registered voters in Anchorage, for the Regular Municipal Election on April 4. The ballot includes elections for Assembly seats, Anchorage School Board seats and Service Area Board of Supervisors seats as well as 14 propositions and one Special Election Proposition. On the first segment of today’s show, We'll be joined by Beth Nordlund, executive director of Anchorage Park Foundation. Beth will explain Special Election Proposition No. A, the bond proposed for Anchorage Parks and Recreation Service Area Capital Improvements, including specific projects that the bond will fund. In the second segment today, our guest is Joe Connolly, the chair of the Glen Alps Road Service Area Board of Supervisors. Joe will talk about the importance of Proposition 6 which will create a Chugach State Park Access Service Area, the first step in the process of making much needed improvements to Chugach State Park trailheads.
HOST: Lisa Keller
Beth Nordlund, executive director Anchorage Park Foundation
Joe Connolly, chair of the Glen Alps Road Service Area Board of Supervisors
Anchorage Park Foundation
Glen Alps Board of Supervisors
Ballot information