Alaskan’s are travelers, adventurers, and risk-takers. We live in a large state dominated by nature with few people, requiring us to deal with adversity and solve problems on the fly. Alaska’s small population means we know each other or know someone who knows someone else: the first degree of separation. That means we have to work together. We also travel the world successfully using those skills. This show features three Alaskans traveling 1800 miles in India going 20 mph in a 7 horsepower Rickshaw, a three-wheeled covered motorcycle commonly used for transportation in many third world countries. Join us to learn about this amazing adventure, and to escape to India.
HOST: Paul Twardock
- Melanie Duchin, Mark Austin, and Dave Shuman, three Alaskans who traveled 1800 miles through India in a Rickshaw.
- The Rickshaw Run
- Society for Assistance to Children in Difficult Situation (SaThi)
- Rickshaw Run for rescuing children
BROADCAST: Thursday, November 21st, 2019. 2:00 pm – 3:00 p.m. AKT
REPEAT BROADCAST: Thursday, November 21st, 2019. 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. AKT
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