Seeing skijoring randomly at Kincaid Park can blow your mind. A dog can pull you on your skis faster than you believed possible. The feeling is much like dog mushing, but much easier to get into because you don’t need an entire team. Your own pet may be able to do it, if you both learn how. In the first half of this next show we’ll talk about skijoring, how it is done, and what it takes to start. In the second half, we’ll focus on the subject of dogs and winter, with information the rest of us need about keeping pets healthy in the cold, including tips for taking your dog on winter outdoor activities. Dog lovers should definitely stay tuned for the next show.
HOST: Charles Wohlforth
- Chuck Pratt - race organizer and member of Anchorage Skijor Club
- Kim Wells - musher, trainer and member of Anchorage Skijor Club
- Metis Riley - Co-founder of Straw for Dogs and a dog trainer
- Straw For Dogs promotes quality care taking and provides free and pay-as-you-can supplies and resources for pets outdoors.
- Anchorage Skijor Club
- Alaska Skijor and Pulk Association
- Beginning skijor clinics
- All about skijoring from SkijorUSA
- Links to all sorts of great resources for skijoring
PARTICIPATE: Facebook: Outdoor Explorer (comments may be read on-air)
BROADCAST: Thursday, February 23, 2017. 2:00 pm – 3:00 p.m. AKT
REPEAT BROADCAST: Thursday, March 02, 2017. 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. AKT
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