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Alaska News Nightly: Monday, Nov. 23, 2015

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With leadership overhaul, Walker consolidates gas line power

Rachel Waldholz, APRN - Anchorage

You don't normally associate "state gas line corporation" and "drama" - but this weekend, the state-owned Alaska Gasline Development Corporation was the source of all kinds of drama.

Costco won't sell genetically engineered salmon, for now

Liz Ruskin, APRN - Washington, D.C.

Now that the FDA has approved a genetically engineered salmon for human consumption, Costco appears to be joining Safeway and other retailers in a commitment not to sell it.

Starving sea birds stranded in Anchorage, Mat-Su

Monica Gokey, KSKA - Anchorage

An increase in dead or starving common murres has expanded beyond coastal communities and into urban areas in recent weeks. An Anchorage bird rehabilitation center that usually sees one or two murres a year has gotten 20 this month. All were starving.

Sitka tribal council pens FBI, alleging racism in police dept

Emily Kwong, KCAW - Sitka

The Sitka Tribe of Alaska wrote a letter to the Anchorage Division of the FBI, alleging racial bias exists within the Sitka Police Department. The FBI is currently investigating a tasing incident of an Alaska Native teenager in the Sitka jail last year.

Fairbanks building awaits demolition... or revitalization?

Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks

A group of Fairbanks city leaders are working to find money to demolish the Polaris building.

Juneau high school sleep-out raises $3K for homeless youth

Lisa Phu, KTOO - Juneau

About 200 kids and teenagers in Juneau are homeless. There are students without adequate or regular housing in every school in the district. This past weekend, high school students slept out in the cold to raise awareness of the mostly invisible problem.

Family remembers man who died at AFN

Jennifer Canfield, KTOO - Juneau

Anthony Choquette’s brother-in-law says the family did everything they could to help him before he died by suicide last month at the Alaska Federation of Natives convention in Anchorage.

Ailing Coast Guard cutter gets replacement with same name

Associated Press

There are now two Coast Guard cutters that carry the name Munro.