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Alaska boards, commissions skew male 2 to 1
Lisa Phu, KTOO - Juneau
Women are under-represented in state boards and commissions. These groups – comprised of experts, citizens and officials – guide state policy, make regulations and protect Alaskans in areas, from hairdressing to the Permanent Fund.
Pebble finds friends on US House panel
Liz Ruskin, APRN - Washington, D.C.
Proponents of the Pebble mine in southwestern Alaska brought their case to the U.S. House today.
4 plane crash survivors swam to shore through 5-ft. seas
Jillian Rogers, KHNS - Haines
Four Haines residents survived a plane crash yesterday afternoon and swam through five-foot seas to get to the rocky shore.
Lack of physical evidence ongoing issue at Fairbanks Four hearing
Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks
Lack of physical evidence continues to be an issue at the Fairbanks Four hearing.
UA Regents approve $960M budget, 5% tuition hike
Josh Edge, APRN - Anchorage
The University of Alaska Board of Regents yesterday approved a total budget of $960 million dollars for next year, which includes a $350 million dollar request from the state.
With cuts, ferry system unreliable
Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau
Port community leaders worry next summer’s ferry schedule will be as unreliable as this summer’s.
Interior Energy Project finalists pitch their plans
Robert Hannon, KUAC - Fairbanks
The Interior Energy Project is moving forward. Wednesday night finalists for an effort to bring natural gas to Fairbanks made public presentations at Pioneer Park.
Math, science teachers convene on testing, curriculum and moon rocks
Brielle Schaffer, KCAW - Sitka
Hundreds of teachers from across the state convened in Sitka last month for the Alaska Math and Science Conference. This was the first time the biennial professional development summit was held in Southeast.