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Ex-Parnell revenue official chosen to head Permanent Fund
Associated Press
Angela Rodell has been selected to be the new CEO of the Alaska Permanent Fund Corp.
US House passes Native energy bill; White House threatens veto
Liz Ruskin, APRN - Washington, D.C.
The U.S. House yesterday passed the Native American Energy Act, sponsored by Alaska Congressman Don Young. Young says the bill would encourage resource development on land owned by Lower 48 tribes and Alaska Native corporations. The White House, though, has threatened a veto.
FBX 4 testimony: Classmate says Wallace confessed to him
Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks
A man who claims a high school classmate told him he and group of friends killed John Hartman back in 1997, testified in state court in Fairbanks yesterday.
Plane crash in Houston claims 23-year-old pilot
Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage
A light-plane crashed in Houston yesterday afternoon, taking the life of a young pilot, 23-year-old Joseph Mielke of Big Lake.
Mudslide blocks Haines Highway
Joe Viechnicki, KFSK - Petersburg
Jillian Rogers, KHNS - Haines
The Haines Highway is blocked by mudslides this evening after a few days of heavy rainfall. According to Highway residents, there are four slides between mile markers 18 and 21 that have made the road impassable.
Snow scientist helps archaeologists know where to look
Robert Hannon, KUAC - Fairbanks
A study underway at Gates of the Arctic National Park is looking at how warming temperatures are eroding snow that can carry important archaeological information.
Arctic tourism hot topic at industry convention
Lisa Phu, KTOO - Juneau
Alaska gets close to 2 million visitors a year. More and more of them are visiting the Arctic Circle and beyond. Tourism in the Arctic was the focus of a panel discussion during this week’s Alaska Travel Industry Association convention in Juneau.
Keeping produce on the menu: Church picks up state's slack
Hannah Colton, KDLG - Dillingham
An eleventh-hour donation to the Bristol Bay Borough School is keeping fresh fruits and vegetables on students’ plates this year.
AK: Palmer taxidermist devotes a lifetime to still life
Monica Gokey, KSKA - Anchorage
At its worst, a bad taxidermy job is gaudy and unsettling. At its finest, taxidermy turns animals into art, preserved for a lifetime or more. Where a specimen falls on that spectrum is up to the skill and ardor of the taxidermist.
49 Voices: Mike Humphrey of Anchorage
This week we’re hearing from Mike Humphrey who spent 20 years in Fairbanks but reluctantly relocated to Anchorage two years ago.