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Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015

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Aleutians monument fought as threat, derided as 'straw man'

Liz Ruskin, APRN - Washington, D.C.

Alaska Congressman Don Young and other Republicans on the House Natural Resources Committee this morning attacked the idea that President Obama might create a marine national monument to protect the Aleutian Islands, with unknown effects on the fishing industry. But the administration has given no sign it’s considering the notion.

Protesters flood Capitol steps in support of Planned Parenthood

Elizabeth Jenkins, KTOO - Juneau

A crowd gathered in the drizzle on the capitol steps Tuesday to show their support for Planned Parenthood. In recent weeks, Republican lawmakers have tried to strip the organization of its federal funding.

Arctic Energy Summit focuses on both fossil fuels and renewables

Rachel Waldholz, APRN - Anchorage

Representatives from across the circumpolar North are meeting this week in Fairbanks for the Arctic Energy Summit.

Bipartisan effort to enact justice reform taps Outside help

Lori Townsend, APRN - Anchorage

Alaska lawmakers are grappling with an exploding prison population that has grown by 27 percent over the last decade. Since May, lawmakers have been working with the Pew Charitable Trust on Justice system reforms and have tasked a Criminal Justice Commission with bringing recommendations forward by December.

Public asked to help find 23-year-old moose hunter

Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks

The public’s help is being sought to find a Fairbanks man who went missing off the Dalton Highway three weeks ago.

Flurries fly and winter arrives to the Last Frontier

Annie Feidt, APRN - Anchorage

It has been snowing on and off in many parts of Anchorage this evening and the National Weather Service says more is on the way.

Tourists spent more in Southeast this season

Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau

The final cruise ships of the season left Alaska waters last week. About a million passengers from around the world sailed through Southeast’s Inside Passage. Some continued on to Whittier, Kodiak and even Unalaska.

Flooding at Baird Glacier spreads green water

Angela Denning, KFSK - Petersburg

An explosive outburst of flooding from the Baird Glacier near Petersburg last week caused turquoise green water to spread into nearby Frederick Sound and the Wrangell Narrows.

And finally tonight, a correction. In a story about human trafficking last night, we reported that an earlier working group was created by former Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan. In fact, that working group was convened by the Parnell Administration.