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Dept. of Revenue Report: Oil Tax Credits Are A Poor Investment
Anne Hillman, KSKA - Anchorage
Are North Slope oil tax credits a good investment for the State of Alaska? That’s the question asked by a recent report from the Department of Revenue. The researchers answer: No, not compared to other options. But some experts say the paper doesn't give the tax credits a fair shake.
On A Mission in Australia, News Of Army Cuts Trickles In Via Family, Social Media
Zachariah Hughes, KSKA - Anchorage
The Army will be cutting thousands of positions from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, with the majority expected to come from the 4-25th Airborne Brigade. This week hundreds of troops from that unit are currently in Australia on a training mission. Many of the soldiers heard about the cuts for the first time from family or on social media.
Bristol Bay Run Nears 20 Million Sockeye
Molly Dischner, KDLG - Dillingham
Bristol Bay fishermen had their biggest haul of the season July 8, with about 1.7 million sockeye harvested, including 1 million from the Naknek-Kvichak district.
UA System Presidential Candidate Promises to Listen and Share
Jeremy Hsieh, KTOO - Juneau
The candidate to be the state university system’s next president is meeting with students, faculty and community members around the state this week.
Inside A Juneau Prison's Sex Offender Treatment Program
Lisa Phu, KTOO - Juneau
Since 2010, sex offenders in Alaska prisons have been able to opt in to an intensive treatment program at Lemon Creek Correctional Center in Juneau, but it’s unclear if it reduces recidivism.
FLOTUS Wows Crowd at Native Youth Confab
Liz Ruskin, APRN - Washington, D.C.
About 30 Alaskans in their teens and 20s were in Washington, D.C. today to participate in the first-ever White House Tribal Youth Gathering. The highlight for many was a passionate speech by First Lady Michelle Obama.
Cleaning Alaska's Remote Beaches, One Piece of Debris at a Time
Noelia Gonzalez, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
Hanna Craig, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
Big, white plastic bags called “super-sacks” line a beach on Montague Island in Prince William Sound. The sacks are filled with marine debris like fishing nets, water bottles and Styrofoam. This summer, the team from Gulf of Alaska Keeper has spent 50 days on Montague so far collecting the debris, as part of a multi-year effort.