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Alaska News Nightly: Friday, May 29, 2015

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As Marijuana Rules Take Shape, Focus is On Control

Zachariah Hughes, KSKA – Anchorage

The state has a year until it begins issuing licenses for businesses selling recreational marijuana.

Supreme Court: DNR Wrongfully Issued Pebble Permits

David Bendinger, KDLG – Dillingham

Just a day after two federal lawsuits involving the Pebble Mine were in the news, mine opponents Friday are hailing the Alaska Supreme Court’s decisions on two state cases.

AIDEA Holds Off On F.N.G. Decision

Dan Bross, KUAC –Fairbanks

The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority has delayed action on the state agency’s proposed purchase of Fairbanks Natural Gas parent company Pentex.

Earthquake Rattles Southwest Alaska

David Bendinger, KDLG – Dillingham

There were no tsunami warnings, but last night’s 6.4 magnitude earthquake northeast of the Chigniks rattled residents all over Southwest Alaska.

State Reacts To Study Linking Childhood Obesity to Domestic Violence

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage

A recent study linked obesity in children to domestic violence. Now, evidence indicates that childhood trauma can spur physical disease later on, when an abused child reaches adulthood.

UAS Chancellor John Pugh Leaves Behind a Legacy of Caring for Students

Lisa Phu, KTOO – Juneau

Friday is John Pugh’s last day as Chancellor of the University of Alaska Southeast. He’s retiring after almost three decades with the college.

AK: A Teenager And His Past

Elizabeth Jenkins, KTOO – Juneau

It’s graduation season for Alaska’s high school seniors. Earning a diploma marks a milestone in a person’s life. And for one Juneau student, that milestone is especially sweet after his high school experience was interrupted with several trips to juvenile detention.

49 Voices: Amanda Cash and 'The Magpie'

Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage

This week, we’re talking with chef Amanda Cash, who owns a new food trailer in Anchorage called ‘The Magpie’ that specializes in making breakfast- and lunch- with local ingredients.