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Troopers Name Two Pilots Killed In Crash Near Bethel
Ben Matheson, KYUK – Bethel
Two pilots are dead after a fiery plane crash Tuesday just outside Bethel.
Murkowski Signs Onto ‘Regulatory Fairness Act’
Liz Ruskin, APRN – Washington DC
Leaders in the Bristol Bay area say they’re upset U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski has co-sponsored a bill that would undo their biggest regulatory success in fighting the Pebble Mine project.
Legislature Suspends Anchorage’s Tennis Court Grant
Alexandra Gutierrez, APRN – Juneau
The State is looking into the legality of using money earmarked for building repairs to construct a new tennis complex in Anchorage. The multi-million-dollar grant was suspended after Mayor Dan Sullivan’s opponent in the lieutenant governor’s race called the decision into question.
UAF Med Students Inject Wrong Substance
Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks
Some University of Alaska Fairbanks students received doses of a substance not approved for humans or animals. The medical course students were practicing giving injections.
Statewide Smoking Ban Gains Traction In Senate
Aaron Selbig, KBBI – Homer
A proposal that would ban smoking in most public places in Alaska is making headway in the state Senate. Senate Bill 209 passed out of the Senate State Affairs Committee last week.
Howard Weaver Speaks On Anchorage Daily News Sale
Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage
There are still a lot of unknowns about how the sale of the Anchorage Daily News to Alaska Dispatch will play out. But former Anchorage Daily News writer and managing editor Howard Weaver is thinking a lot about that question. Weaver wrote the book "Write Hard, Die Free" about the Anchorage newspaper wars in the 1970's and 80's.
Weaver says he was saddened to learn about the sale of the Daily News:
Where No Shop Class Has Gone Before
Robert Woolsey, KCAW – Sitka
This is not your grandfather’s shop class.
Late last month a group of high school and college shop teachers and a few of their students gathered for a three-day workshop in Sitka’s state-of-the-art Design and Fabrication Lab.
The use of 3D printers and other computer-controlled equipment has revolutionized shop, and turned one of the most remote classrooms in the building into the coolest place in school.