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Arctic Port Feasibility Study Expected In March
Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is expected to release a feasibility study on an Arctic port in early March, according to Corps spokeswoman Lorraine Cordova.
Election Year Ramps Up
Liz Ruskin, APRN – Washington DC
With 2014 underway, we now entered an election year. Alaskans will be choosing a governor, a lieutenant governor and as always, deciding whether to re-elect Alaska Congressman Don Young. But national attention, and money, is already focused on the U.S. Senate race.
Slow to Moderate Job Growth Forecasted This Year In Alaska
Mike Mason, KDLG – Dillingham
The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development predicts that the state's economy will grow only a little this year, with just 1,500 jobs added.
State Urges Residents To Get Flu Vaccine
Zachariah Hughes, KNOM – Nome
In the last two months, the Center for Disease Control has seen a rising trend in reports of acute respiratory illness in young and middle-age patients across the country. In Alaska, hundreds of cases of flu have been reported and the state is urging residents to get the flu vaccine, continuing their fee waiver to entice more participation.
Nome Completes Annual Bird Count
Anna Rose MacArthur, KNOM – Nome
This weekend wraps up the 114th Christmas Bird Count. Around 50 communities in Alaska participated in the annual event, adding to decades of data collection. Nome completed its count at sundown on New Year’s Eve.
Mild Weather Helps Unalaska’s Christmas Bird Count Expand
Annie Ropeik, KUCB – Unalaska
The bird count in the Aleutians was also aided by mild weather.
Winter is running late in Unalaska this year – and that was good news for those helping with the annual count last Saturday. Such mild weather meant the counters were able to tally the island’s birds in places they usually can’t get to.
AK: History
Scott Burton, KTOO – Juneau
In December, Juneau writer and English professor, Ernestine Hayes, released her new book Juneau from Arcadia Publishing. The book tells the history of the capitol city through pictures with elaborate captions. It's a departure from her usual writing style. But the book builds on her effort to clarify the history of Native people.
300 Villages: Tununak
This week, we're heading to the community of Tununak, on Nelson Island. James James is the tribal administrator for the Native Villages of Tununak.