The peak of summer is a time of celebration in Alaska. In Fairbanks, baseball is played under the midnight sun; in Seward, Mount Marathon awaits; in Barrow it will be Eskimo Games; and there are Independence Day parades all over the state. Mid-summer celebrations are the subject, on the next Talk of Alaska.
- Steve Heimel, APRN
- Joe Page and Arthur Mannix, Denali Arts Council
- John Hunt, coordinator, Haines Music Fest
- Callers Statewide
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alaskapublic org (comments may be read on air) - Call 550-8422 in Anchorage or 1-800-478-8255 if you’re outside Anchorage during the live broadcast
LIVE Broadcast: Tuesday, July 2, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. on APRN stations statewide.
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