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ANGDA Head Resigns

The CEO of the Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority has turned in his resignation so he can “pursue other opportunities.”   Harold Heinze has been in the top job at the authority since voters set it up in the 2002 election.

The timing is right for me, but it’s also the right time frame to look at some new leadership, I’ve enjoyed being able to work on the gas pipeline and all the gas issues, but the situation in the state is such that it all needs to get sorted out one more time.

The ballot initiative that set up ANGDA led Heinze and the authority to become involved in several of the projects that could deliver natural gas to markets outside the state while supplying energy to Alaskans also.

Heinze says most recently, the emphasis has been on developing markets and facilities that would deliver propane to those parts of the state away from the railbelt.    He says he’s confident that the authority’s current projects will continue.

There’s a small, but very competent, experienced staff here. More importantly we have several very high quality contractors that are very capable of carrying forward the work that needs to be done. Our resources are limited so it’s up to the board of directors to decide what priorities they want to set and how they want to work through a process of considering our future.

Although more than sixty two percent of the voters approved the initiative setting up the authority nine years ago,  the idea has not yet been well-received by the executive branch.   Governor Murkowski delayed funding and appointing people to work for the agency,  Sarah Palin did not immediately provide operating money for its work,  and Sean Parnell has left four vacancies on ANGDA’s board of directors  That leaves less than a quorum to accept Heinze’s resignation and appoint his successor.
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