Is it possible? Is it desirable? A group of Alaskans has pledged to eat only food from Alaska for a year. They just started. They are busy learning foraging techniques and finding substitutes for things like coffee and sugar – substitutes from Alaska. We’ll check in on how they are doing so far, on the next Talk of Alaska.
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- Steve Heimel, APRN
- Cindy Karns, Transition Anchorage
- Saskia Esslinger, Anchorage Permaculture
- Allie Barker, Chugach Farm
- Callers Statewide
- Post your comment before, during or after the live broadcast (comments may be read on air)
- Send e-mail to talk alaskapublic org (comments may be read on air)
- Call 550-8422 in Anchorage or 1-800-478-8255 during the live broadcast
LIVE Broadcast: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. on APRN stations statewide.