Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks and Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DCCandidates are making their final rounds Monday as Alaska’s U.S. Senate race comes down to the wire. Senator Lisa Murkowski arrived in Fairbanks this morning and was met by enthusiastic supporters. She plans to be in Anchorage tonight, and included Juneau and Kenai on her last minute tour.Murkowski’s running a write-in bid, and hopes to make history by being the first U.S. Senate candidate elected by write-in, in five decades. The other two main candidates, Republican Joe Miller and Democrat Scott McAdams, have also been squeezing in as many visits as possible, trying to sway voters on the eve of Election Day.Miller joined his supporters in Anchorage Monday, waving signs at a busy intersection. He admits that all the candidates are hoping the final momentum goes in their direction.Miller says it may be a tight race, but he expects a repeat of the August Primary Election, when he pulled off a surprise win. But Democrat Scott McAdams says he’s gaining supporters. McAdams talked to reporters today from his Anchorage election head-quarters.Photos by Libby Casey, APRN - Anchorage: (Left) The Anchorage campaign headquarters of Lisa Murkowski, write-in Republican Senate candidate. (Center) Republican candidate Joe Miller and his wife Kathleen thank sign-wavers on the eve of Election Day. (Right) Democratic Senate candidate Scott McAdams talks to reporters at his campaign headquarters in Anchorage the day before Election Day. He's joined by his wife Romee.Download Audio (MP3)