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Fall Membership Drive: Success!

The excitement was infectious on Friday night at the Elmo Sackett Broadcast Center for the last night of the Fall Membership Drive. Ringing phones, squeaking horns, bells and cheers echoed through the hallways. Smiles spread from face to face as the ladies of Merrill Lynch scrambled to take your pledges up until last minutes of All Things Considered when we ultimately reached our goal of 1500 pledges and $250,000.Thank you to Merill Lynch, Alaska World Affairs Council, Z Club Kids, Dirt Divas, Top of the World Toastmasters, Returned Peace Corps and all of volunteers who make the phone bank so much fun! Thank you to all of our community pitchers who join us on-air and bring in the pledges! And thank you to all of our listeners and supporters. You make KSKA public radio possible.