Ben Matheson, KNOM - Nome

Ben Matheson, KNOM - Nome
Ben Matheson is a contributor with the Alaska Public Radio Network.

Nome Residents Waiting On Fuel Delivery

The Renda and Healy appeared offshore last night. But Nome residents are still waiting for the delivery of their fuel.

Renda, Healy Arrive Near Nome

The tanker Renda and ice-breaker Healy have arrived in the area of the ice-choked Nome harbor. A safety zone has been set up to keep people away from the vessels and the hose that will likely be used to deliver fuel.

Renda, Healy Expect To Be Close To Nome Late Tonight

The Renda and Healy may be close to Nome by late tonight.

Price On Fuel To Be Delivered To Nome Still Unknown

Wednesday has been a day of logistics for the Healy and Renda. The ships have not moved toward Nome since Tuesday. The Healy had to get into position to launch its helicopter this morning.

Renda Makes Just Seven Miles On Tuesday

The tanker Renda and ice-breaker Healy moved just 7 miles yesterday in a full day of work. Coast Guard Petty Officer Grant DeVuyst says that after covering an impressive 53 miles on Monday, the vessels hit pressurized ice Tuesday and ground to a near halt. They are now around 90 miles south of Nome.

Renda Continues Slow Trip To Nome

The Renda and Healy continue to slog through difficult ice conditions. They were 110 miles south of Nome this afternoon. The vessels made it just 32 miles closer to Nome this weekend.

Renda, Healy Moving Slower Than Expected

It has been slower going than anticipated through the rapidly thickening Bering Sea ice for the Russian tanker Renda and the Coast Guard icebreaker Healy. As of last evening they were still 165 miles from their destination of Nome.

Renda, Healy Begin Moving Through Ice

The Renda and Healy have been moving through the ice since midnight. With the vessels 2 and a-half days out, the operation is now moving into its critical phase as people and equipment mobilize to Nome.

Renda Completes Repairs, Heads Towards Nome

The Renda is steaming north at 11 knots with the icebreaker Healy close by. The vessels are set to reach the ice edge around noon Friday and break through 390 miles of ice. The fuel is now expected to make it to Nome on Monday.

Russian Tanker Renda Returns To Dutch Harbor For Repairs

Five hours into its journey north, the Renda turned around and returned to Dutch Harbor for repairs. About 10 miles north of port, State Marine Pilot Captain Pete Garay reported a mechanical issue after observing the tanker moving slower than expected in rough weather, averaging around three knots.

Renda Departs For Nome

The Renda is on its way to Nome. The tanker departed Dutch Harbor Wednesday morning at 9:50 with the icebreaker Healy close behind.

Nome Fuel Delivery Costly For Government Agencies

The price of the fuel to customers in Nome after the upcoming fuel delivery is still to be determined. Nomeites may be spared the cost of gas at $9 a gallon, but the operation to deliver fuel with icebreaker support is not cheap for the government agencies involved.

Russian Tanker Renda Set To Depart For Nome

The Russian tanker Renda loaded gasoline Tuesday afternoon in Dutch Harbor following the completion of its port state control exam. The Renda is set to depart late Tuesday for Nome.

Russian Tanker Renda Arriving In Dutch Harbor

The Russian tanker Renda is arriving in Dutch Harbor Monday to load gasoline and be inspected before heading through the ice to Nome.

Body Found On Beach West Of Nome

The Nome Police Department responded Friday afternoon to reports of a body found on the beach west of town. Police identified the deceased as 58-year-old Napolean Bergamaschi.

Russian Tanker Gets Jones Act Waiver

The Department of Homeland Security has granted a Jones Act waiver for the Russian tanker Renda to load gasoline in Dutch Harbor before heading through the ice to Nome.

Vitus Marine Waiting For Decision On Jones Act Waiver

Vitus Marine, the company contracted to help get fuel delivered to Nome, is hoping to hear back Friday on the status of the Jones Act waiver for the Russian tanker Renda. The waiver is necessary for the tanker to be able to load gasoline in Dutch Harbor.

Russian Tanker Waiting On Jones Act Waiver

The Russian Tanker Renda is steaming towards Dutch Harbor to pick up 400,000 gallons of gasoline bound for Nome. But it must first receive a waiver of the Jones Act, or it will turn north and deliver diesel fuel only.

Trooper Investigating Savoonga Man’s Death

A State Trooper was in Gambell on Wednesday to investigate the death of a 34-year-old Savoonga man— Stanley Rookok, who had gone missing last week while on a short trip to get water.

Coast Guard Cutter Will Break Ice For Nome Fuel Delivery

The Coast Guard is confirming that the Cutter Healy will be used to break ice for a Russian tanker in the first-ever winter fuel delivery in Nome.