Adelyn Baxter, KTOO - Juneau

Adelyn Baxter, KTOO - Juneau

Our Weird Weather

Tulips and green grass in January? Road to Valdez closed by the mother of all avalanches? Will there be an Iditarod, a Fur Rondy, an Iron Dog? Let's talk about our recent weather and its implications on the next Hometown Alaska. KSKA: Weds. 2/5 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm  Listen Now

Arts in Alaska: Thriving, or just surviving?

The arts always seem to struggle for funding. Why? We'll hear from the Rasmuson Foundation on their Individual Artists Awards, and from local community arts organizations on their strategies to thrive, including the Design Forum, Anchorage Community Works, Object Runway and more. KSKA, Wednesday, 1/22 at 2:00 and 9:00 pm Listen Now

Rise of the Social Entrepreneur

On the next Hometown Alaska, we’ll hear a particularly Alaskan perspective on social entrepreneurship with Yaso Thiru. She teaches accounting at Alaska Pacific University, and for the last 18 months has promoted social change through education, employment and entrepreneurial spirit. We’ll talk of numerous examples, some global and some local, and take a closer look at Hope Studios, a social entrepreneurship venture right here in Anchorage, with gallery manager Julie Mettler. KSKA: Wednesday 1/8 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm Listen Now 

Homer Neighbors Fight Proposed 160-Foot Microwave Tower

A proposal to build a 160-foot microwave tower atop the Homer bluff has residents in the area concerned about their property values and views of Kachemak Bay. The City of Homer Planning Commission has already signed off on the project but it could still get hung up in the legal system.

Winter film fests: Let’s go to the movies

You say snow gives you hives? Not to worry. Anchorage hosts two winter film festivals that promise to transport your mind and imagination to places you never dreamed of visiting. Come enjoy the best getaway in the world: the movies. We'll feature program directors for the Anchorage International Film Festival and the Indigenous World Film Festival, They'll share highlights and don't-miss surprises for each festival. KSKA: Wednesday, 12/4 at 2:00pm and 9:00pm Listen Now

Moose and Mice, Be Gone!

Do moose hate Irish Spring soap? Do mice hate peppermint? We'll talk remedies to unwanted moose and mice visitors on the next Hometown Alaska. Email your tips to, and tune in for some you've never heard of before! KSKA: Wednesday, 11/20 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm Listen Now

Homer City Charter Petition Effort Gathers Steam

Homer residents may have noticed a petition circulating around town recently, calling for the formation of a charter commission. If the petition effort is successful, that commission would then be tasked with writing a new city charter for Homer.

Reconnecting with the Dena’ina in Anchorage

All your favorite Anchorage places, like Chester Creek and Point Woronzof, have other names given them by the first people who made Anchorage home, the Dena'ina Athabascans. Learn more about your hometown from the experts, the first residents, on the next Hometown Alaska. KSKA: Wednesday, 11/13 at 2:00pm and 9:00pm Listen Now

Ted Stevens Anchorage Int’l Airport master plan: the next 20 years

The Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport master plan is coming in for a landing. It's time to get your questions answered and offer airport planners the feedback they need. Airport director John Parrott and project manager Evan Pfahler join us. KSKA: Wednesday, 10/30 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm Listen Now

Era Flight’s Landing Gear Collapses After Landing At Homer Airport

Passengers aboard an Era Alaska flight got quite a scare Wednesday when their aircraft’s landing gear collapsed shortly after landing at the Homer Airport.

Allison Warden and Liz Medicine Crow

They come from different parts of Alaska and different Native communities. Their typical work day could not look more different. Both labor in the quest for a vibrant future for their people. Meet Allison Warden and Liz Medicine Crow, in conversation, on the next Hometown Alaska. KSKA, Wednesday, 10/16 at 2:00pm and 9:00pm Listen Now

Winter Study of Beluga Whales Difficult, Scientists Say

As scientists attempt to better understand the endangered Cook Inlet beluga whale, they are taking a closer look at what the whales eat, but studying the dining habits of beluga whales is harder than you might think.

When it comes to money, what’s your score?

Does money flow through your fingers at an alarming rate? Do you understand how credit cards work? Do you buy things you really can't afford? Studies show young people are at increasing risk because they don't understand money at a time when they'll be called upon to manage their own financial resources well. Get advice and tips from the experts on the next Hometown Alaska with host Kathleen McCoy and some money-savvy guests. KSKA: Wednesday 9/25, at 2:00 pm (LIVE) and 9:00 pm Listen Now

Buccaneer Ramps Up for Drilling Project Near Homer

Buccaneer Energy’s jack-up rig Endeavour has moved from the Cosmopolitan Unit in Cook Inlet to the Southern Cross Unit, but has yet to spud a well. Onshore, the company is planning to move the Glacier drilling rig from Kenai to the West Eagle Unit east of Homer.

The Light Brigade strikes again

Who is The Light Brigade and what will they do at the Anchorage Museum on Sept. 21, the Fall Equinox? Hint: Defy gravity on the facade of a glittering building. Find out more when a Light Brigade member, a museum director and an urban environment expert come together to explore how art can change the way we think about place. KSKA, Wednesday 9/11 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm Listen Now

Are You Ready?

Summer is over and we're back home again. Up ahead: winter. Now is a good time to take stock and see how prepared and self-reliant we are, not just for winter weather, but in the event a major event delays police, public health services, food and fresh water supplies. How does a citizen get ready, mentally and physically, to face the aftermath of a disaster? Join us with your questions on the next Hometown Alaska. KSKA: Wednesday, 8/28 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm Listen Now

When Combat Veterans Come Home

The military bases in Anchorage have been transition points for veterans who have seen serious combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now many are home and re-entering civilian life. What are the challenges? What gifts do they bring? Join host Kathleen McCoy and three experts fluent in this important transition for combat veterans and the communities they choose as home. KSKA, Wednesday, 8/14 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm Listen Now

Homer Trail Death Ruled a Homicide

The death of a man found near the Poopdeck Trail in Homer has been ruled a homicide. Police are offering a reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator.

Seldovia Family Completes Cook Inlet Trek

A family of outdoor adventurers from Seldovia has completed its latest epic adventure. Erin McKittrick and Bretwood Higman – joined by four-year-old Katmai and two-year-old Lituya – hiked and packrafted more than 800 miles around the entirety of Cook Inlet. Download Audio

Homer To Sue Grant Aviation Over Unpaid Rent

Five months after the company suddenly pulled its operations out of the southern Kenai Peninsula, Grant Aviation is facing a lawsuit from the City of Homer. Grant owes the city about $20,000 in unpaid bills. Download Audio