Adelyn Baxter, KTOO - Juneau

Adelyn Baxter, KTOO - Juneau

Line One: Moms Matter Now supports mothers before and after pregnancy

Motherhood is an amazing and incredibly challenging time, but few people talk about the emotional and psychological transition.

Talk of Alaska: Remembering Don Young

For nearly 50 years, Rep. Don Young’s bombastic style both helped draw attention to Alaska's legislative need and often found him crossed up in less than flattering headlines. Constituents, former colleagues and journalists share memories of Alaska’s longest serving Republican.

Line One: The Trouble with Trauma

In order to make decisions and judgements, the human mind uses cognitive shortcuts. Dr. Michael Scheeringa, author of “The Trouble With Trauma: The Search To Discover How Beliefs Become Facts", explores why that's an issue.
a Covid-19 swab specialist in medical gown, face mask, and face shield prepares to swab a traveler

Talk of Alaska: Managing COVID two years in

Will cases spike in coming weeks? What do Alaskans need to know to help keep infection rates down? Alaska’s top doctors help to clarify the way forward.

Line One: The rise in fentanyl overdoses in Alaska

Overdose deaths from fentanyl are on the rise in Alaska, and its important to remember that the statistics account for more than just one person.

Talk of Alaska: Breaking the cycle of removal for Black and Indigenous children

Alaska Native and Black children are significantly overrepresented in our state’s foster care system. A recent study found they make up 65% of those in foster homes.
Rows of portable cots and plastic totes fill the floor space of the Sullivan Arena shelter

Line One: Health and homelessness in Anchorage and beyond

Health issues related to homelessness include frostbite, injuries from violence and mental health problems. How does sheltering and medical treatment of the homeless population impact outcomes?
paige drobny's team

Talk of Alaska: Veteran mushers discuss the 50th running of the Iditarod

This year marks the 50th running of the Iditarod. How has the competition changed over the last five decades and what might the next 50 years bring? 

Line One: Community vaccine outreach in Anchorage

Alaska’s COVID case rate appears to be improving, but omicron remains a concern for  vulnerable populations in and outside of Anchorage.
Three students in front of yellow lockers

Hometown Alaska: Teens talk about coping with COVID

On this week's Hometown Alaska, Anchorage teens describe how they have suffered, endured, and even grown through living under the COVID-19 pandemic. We'll hear from teens at the Alaska Teen Media Institute, Covenant House...
a sign that implies someone will assist you shortly at the Child Welfare Academy office

Talk of Alaska: The crisis in Alaska’s foster care system

Alaska’s foster care system has long been challenged by a need for more case workers and foster families, but now the lack of social workers and willing caretakers has reached a crisis level.

‘Black in Alaska’ profiles lives and successes of Black Alaskans

The team behind the project hopes to profile people from different communities, age groups and careers to increase understanding about the experiences of Black people in Alaska.

Talk of Alaska: ‘Black in Alaska’ aims to increase African American visibility

A new compilation of the stories of struggle and triumph provides a lens on the lives and careers of Black Alaskans.

Line One: How childhood nutrition affects chronic illness

Childhood chronic illness affects 40% of school-aged children and adolescents. Nutrition, movement, environmental toxins and genetics play a role in this progression.

Talk of Alaska: Alaskan Olympians compete in Beijing

With the Winter Olympics already underway in Beijing, we’ll hear from members of Alaska’s winter sports community to learn more about the programs that trained some of our top athletes.

Hometown Alaska: Hear how these Anchorage arts organizations adapted to the pandemic

Andrea Noble, executive director of the Alaska State Council on the Arts, has one word for the Alaska artists and arts organizations now tackling Year Three of life under Covid: "Resilient. They just don't...
A highway sign is ripped off and laying in trees.

Talk of Alaska: State and local partners on coordinating disaster response

This winter has seen a series of extreme weather events in regions throughout the state. How are local governments planning for a future where climate related threats are more intense and what kind of relief is available to help communities recover?
A boy gets a shot from a woman in a mask.

Line One: Alaska Coalition of BIPOC Educators advocate for vaccination

On the next installment of Alaska Public Media's Talk to your Neighbor series, members of the Alaska Coalition of BIPOC Educators discuss how they're getting the word out about vaccination in schools and in the community. 

Community groups meet Covid vaccine hesitancy with trusted voices and accurate information

January 2022 marks the world's third year working to overcome the Coronavirus pandemic. For many different and valid reasons, people hesitate to get vaccinated. Yet broad and successful vaccination rates are necessary to avoid...

Talk of Alaska: Alaskans respond to anti-Semitism in and outside Alaska

Recent incidents of anti-semitism nationally and in Alaska have highlighted the need to continue educating people about the pain and violence that bigotry can produce if allowed to go unchecked.