Adelyn Baxter, KTOO - Juneau

Adelyn Baxter, KTOO - Juneau

Residential and onsite innovations for rural Alaska education

Educating rural Alaskans is challenging, given financial constraints and remote settings. Nonetheless, a 20-year-old short term residential program in Anchorage, and an onsite and online tutoring program in a rural setting are yielding promising to excellent results. KSKA: Wednesday, March 11, at 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Listen Now:

The winter that wasn’t

Climatologist Brian Brettschneider visits Hometown Alaska to help put our current very weird weather patterns into perspective. Is Anchorage becoming the banana belt? KSKA: Wednesday, March 4, at 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Listen Now:

After oil: What’s the climate for entrepreneurs?

Unless price-per-barrel oil shoots back up, Alaskans are looking at a sharply contracting economic picture. Let's talk alternatives! Join Hometown Alaska to hear from local experts on the status of Alaska's ecosystem for entrepreneurs. KSKA: Wednesday, Feb. 18, at 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. Listen Now:

Winter Solstice: ‘Follow the Light’ at Elderberry Park

Recipe: Take vintage municipal holiday street decorations. Save them in storage for years. When the right moment comes, strip, weld, attach LED lights, compose music. Install. Happy birthday, Anchorage, and here's to the next 100 years. KSKA: Wednesday, Dec. 17 at 2 pm and 9 pm Listen Now:

Annual Salute to Community Volunteers

This week, Hometown Alaska is all about volunteer service. If you rely on volunteers, or you give your time and energy to causes you believe in, share your story today on Hometown Alaska. KSKA: Wednesday, Dec. 3, at 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. Listen now: 
Healthy brain next to a brain with severe Alzheimer's Disease.

Dementia: Plight of the Alaska caregivers

More than 8,000 Alaskans live with Alzheimer's Disease and dementia. Filmmaker Mary Katzke tells the stories of five families, and aging experts join us to put this topic in perspective. KSKA: Wednesday, Nov. 19, at 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Listen now:

Talking with Principal Patsy Shaha

Patsy Shaha, principal of the Alaska Native Cultural Charter School in the Anchorage School District joins host Kathleen McCoy to share stories on how important values, traditions and relationships are woven into the school day. KSKA: Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. Listen now:

The Artist At Work

Where do artists get their ideas? What role does confidence play? Self doubt? Persistence? The weather? Jimmy Riordan and Keren Lowell think about it, out loud, on the next Hometown Alaska. KSKA: Wednesday, Oct. 22, at 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Listen now:
Girl viewing a laptop.

Kids and computing

Just because your child can text, tweet and enjoy video games does not mean she knows how to boss around her laptop. What are the essential skills that translate into digital literacy? Is your child acquiring them? Listen now:

Keeping bees in Alaska

Alaska's bee season is short and intense, and most hives have wound down for this year. But beekeepers are enjoying rich golden honey, fruit of their bees' labor, and planning for next season's hive. KSKA: Wednesday, Sept. 10, at 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Listen now:

Who’s hungry in Alaska?

One in seven Alaskans, and one in five children, routinely go hungry in our state. How does Alaska bridge that gap in the food and nutrition network? KSKA: Wednesday, August 27, at 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. Listen now:

Wild edibles in Alaska: Seek and ye shall find

Late August draws out the berry pickers. Wonderful as those jewels are, wild edibles include more than berries and mushrooms. So join local gathering experts to hear about the wild abundance Alaska offers, and best ways to school yourself in identification, sustainable selection and delicious eating! And if you've got a great wild edible recipe, we want to hear it. KSKA: Wednesday, August 13 at 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Listen now:

Getting an audience for the issues

Both Alaska Common Ground and the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce have public forums planned to discuss both sides of important issues coming before Alaska voters this election season. Join host Kathleen McCoy and representatives from both groups to learn about the style of their public forums and ambitions to develop informed voters. KSKA: Wednesday, June 25, at 2:00 and 9:00 p.m.  Listen now:

When military vets need a doctor

The VA just released results of a nationwide audit on how quickly military vets get medical service. Alaska’s report card was good. We'll talk about why, but also about needs that still go unanswered. Join host Kathleen McCoy, with vets and those who serve them, on the next Hometown Alaska. KSKA: Wednesday, June 18, at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm

When military vets need a doctor

The VA just released results of a nationwide audit on how quickly military vets get medical service. Alaska’s report card was good. We'll talk about why, but also about needs that still go unanswered. Join host Kathleen McCoy, with vets and those who serve them, on the next Hometown Alaska. KSKA: Wednesday, June 18, at 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Listen now:

Fairbanks Team Leads Firefighting Efforts on Kenai

Wednesday marked one week since the Funny River fire began burning on the Kenai Peninsula. Very early on in the fire, one group - Alaska Interagency Incident Management Team - from Fairbanks has been in control of the firefighting efforts.

Firefighters Shifting from Tyonek to Funny River

Officials overseeing the Tyonek wildfire on the west side of Cook Inlet said today that most firefighting personnel were being released from the fire, with some of them headed to the Kenai Peninsula to work on the Funny River fire.

Graduation Rates: How are we doing?

With the last of the local high school graduations fading in a sea of camera snaps, 2014 banners and flower and candy leis, we come to this question: How did we do? Are we graduating more seniors? Which sub-groups are increasing, which are struggling? What do the trends mean? Join host Kathleen McCoy and guests to learn more. KSKA: Wednesday, May 28, 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Listen now:

Funny River Wildfire Tops 900 Acres

A pair of large wildfires have blazed through hundreds of acres in Soldotna and Tyonek. As of 10 p.m. Monday, a fire located near Funny River Road near Soldotna had burned more than 900 acres.

Troopers Catch Nikiski Teacher Accused of ‘Inappropriate Behavior’ With Student

A Nikiski teacher accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a student was the subject of a law enforcement manhunt Thursday afternoon. After the man threatened to commit suicide, two local schools were placed on lockdown. Alaska State Troopers caught the man on Friday.