Adelyn Baxter, KTOO - Juneau

Adelyn Baxter, KTOO - Juneau

Watershed Coalition tracks salmon stream temp trends

The Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition plans to record the temperature of salmon streams across Southeast Alaska over the next two years. The project aims to collect the data to measure climate change’s affect on Alaska’s most prominent fish, leaving behind eggs, which turn into fry the next spring and eventually smolt before going out to sea.

Petersburg fishermen make big catch – nearly 400-pound halibut

For a couple of Petersburg fishermen, it was a big day … and a huge catch. Listen now

Wrangell sewer mainline breaks, allowing 20,000 gallons of raw sewage into harbor

A sewer mainline broke early Monday morning near Zimovia Highway, allowing about 20,000 gallons of raw sewage into Wrangell’s inner harbor. Listen now

Petersburg composting business reaches for grant to grow

A Petersburg project is one of the finalists in Sealaska’s Path to Prosperity contest. For the second year, Petersburg’s tribe is in the running for $40,000 to grow the business of making compost.

Fisherman found dead on boat near Wrangell

A crew member on a fishing vessel west of Wrangell Island was found dead Saturday morning. Wrangell Search and Rescue responded to the scene after the Coast Guard was notified around 5:47 am Saturday. Listen now
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

Southeast’s Columbia ferry stalls in Petersburg

One of Southeast Alaska’s ferries stalled near Petersburg on Wednesday. Listen now

Wrangell’s water shortage causes borough to declare local disaster

Wrangell is in a water crisis. Between two fish processors and the public, demand is exceeding the water treatment system’s ability to produce clean water. The assembly and borough manager declared a local emergency disaster Tuesday and are asking the public to cut water consumption 30 to 50 percent. Listen now

Possible boarding school may be great opportunity, but stirs bad memories for one family

Wrangell’s School Board, Borough Assembly and tribal government have all shown support for building a 400-bed boarding school on the former Wrangell Institute property in Southeast Alaska. For one family, the project is stirring up bad memories of the Institute, an earlier boarding school with a history of abusing students. Listen now

Taking improv to work

Everybody loves the quick wit, unexpected humor and poignant moments of improv. But more and more, its basic principles are ending up in the work world. Local improv practitioners explain why. DOWNLOAD AUDIO
Phantom 3 Standard, courtesy Engadget

Drones in Alaska

What do drones bring to mind? Privacy and safety issues. We'll talk about both of those important topics, and will extend the conversation to the work drones can do for us. DOWNLOAD AUDIO
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

ANSEP and new design plans presented for Wrangell Institute property

Wrangell residents were able to take a look at three new design plans for the former Wrangell Institute property Monday evening. The community also got its first look at plans for a possible 400-bed boarding school. Download Audio

The legal fallout from divorce

Divorce means decisions. Property, finances, children—all must be discussed and divided. Have you been in this position? Do you face this situation? Join Senior Judge Elaine Andrews as we walk through the complicated territory of family law. KSKA: Wednesday, June 15 at 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. DOWNLOAD AUDIO
Heather Kelly

After oil: Looking for Alaska 2.0

KSKA: Wednesday May 25, 2016 at 2:00 and 8:00 p.m. Launch : Alaska is a start-up business accelerator mentoring five fledgling companies for 90-days this summer. Alaskan Heather Kelly's "food for adventurers" business is one of them. Meet the rest. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Anatomy of a criminal case

On today's third segment of Justice Alaska on Hometown Alaska, we'll hear Judge Elaine Andrews, prosecutor Clinton Campion and public defender Dunnington Babb explain a criminal case. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Loon love and lore

KSKA: Wednesday, April 27 at 2:00 and 8:00 p.m. Have you heard the tremelo, the wail, the yodel or the hoot of a Common Loon? Join us to hear them, and for updates on the Conner's Bog Loon Cam, and more. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Finding a lawyer: What are the options?

KSKA: Wednesday, April 20 at 2 pm and 8 pm. Finding a good lawyer when you need one is the topic for Justice Alaska, a once-a-month special edition of Hometown Alaska. Justice Alaska aims to give citizens a clearer understanding of how our courts, our laws and our system of justice works. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Crack of the bat!

Ready for summer baseball? Hear the rich story of the game in Alaska when public historian Katie Ringsmuth shares history and surprising cultural trends that came north with the game. KSKA: Wednesday April 6 @ 2:00 and 8:00 pm DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Get gardening!

Time to get dirt under your fingernails. Tune in for a splash of summer gardening inspiration and information from local experts. KSKA: Wednesday, March 30 @ 2:00 pm and 8:00 pm DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Choosing Alaska’s judges

Alaska is now selecting a new state Supreme Court justice. Will Alaska's process look and sound anything like the current national debate on replacing Antonin Scalia for the U.S. Supreme Court? Tune in to find out. KSKA-FM: Wednesday, March 16 @ 2:00 pm and 8 pm DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Wisdom and voices

Delivering babies in the Aleutians? A successful entrepreneur with enviable work/life balance? A city planner with more than one next chapter? A songstress and cultural activist? Meet these Hall of Famers, soak up their stories. KSKA: Wednesday, March 2 @ 2:00 pm and 8:pm DOWNLOAD AUDIO