Adelyn Baxter, KTOO - Juneau

Adelyn Baxter, KTOO - Juneau

Few changes made in final Tongass forest plan decision

The Tongass Land Management Plan amendment, a 16-year transition toward young-growth logging, was finalized Friday. Tongass Forest Supervisor Earl Stewart signed the record of decision after considering objections from environmental and industry groups. Some have applauded the decision and others are unsatisfied. But regardless of sides, not much has changed in the Forest Service’s move away from old-growth timber. Listen Now

Tune up your ears for Alaska’s original sounds

KSKA: Wednesday, December 14 at 2 and 8 p.m. Kurt Riemann is on a mission: archiving Alaska's original music. Tune in to hear samples and stories behind what he's gathered so far. Find out if you've got a classic Alaska recording for this archive. LISTEN NOW

Catching the bus

KSKA: Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 2 and 8 p.m. How riders catch buses in Anchorage will change in 2017. December is feedback month. So get a preview of the proposals and offer your feedback on the new ideas. LISTEN NOW

Trump, Congress and Southeast timber, what are the possibilities?

Could President-elect Donald Trump and the incoming Republican-led Congress change logging plans in Southeast Alaska? Changes to the Tongass forest plan amendment, a contentious Forest Service regulation, are possible. Listen Now

Appreciating community volunteers

KSKA: Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2016 @ 2 pm and 8 pm. Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. Wrap your brain around how much you have to be thankful for by joining Hometown Alaska for its annual salute to community volunteers. Tell us how and why you volunteer for our community, or how your agency benefits from the work of volunteers. LISTEN NOW

UFA hones in on salmon habitat issues

An Alaska commercial fishing advocacy group is beginning to get an idea of what its new Salmon Habitat Information Program – or SHIP – will look like. The program is aimed at engaging commercial fisherman around the state in salmon habitat issues. Listen Now 

Domestic violence and the Alaska justice system

KSKA: Wednesday, Nov. 16 @ 2 and 8 p.m. Alaska has an alarming rate of domestic violence. Victims do not have to navigate complex legal issues alone. On today's Justice Alaska on Hometown Alaska, area experts will outline how the justice system works to protect the vulnerable. LISTEN NOW

Wrangell’s tax base shrinks as senior population grows

Wrangell has the second oldest population in the state, and the local borough is worried about the growing number of tax-exempt seniors. Those out-of-reach property tax dollars coupled with state cuts are putting aging communities in a tough spot.
Cannabis Plant. (Photo by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)

Potential Wrangell pot business applies for licenses

The Wrangell Assembly passed a zoning ordinance last week that made way for marijuana businesses in Wrangell. Now, Wrangell’s only proposed pot business, Happy Cannabis, is initiating its applications with the state, beginning the final push for construction to be complete. Listen Now

Skagway celebration marks completion of fiber-optic cable installation

Stakeholders from around the region are gathering in Skagway Friday, to celebrate the completion of a project that promises to improve internet in the Upper Lynn Canal. Listen Now

Skagway marijuana shop receives license to open

A retail marijuana store is ready to open its doors in Skagway, but it’s waiting on one major detail: the pot.

SEARHC acquires Wrangell based AICS

The Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium announced Wednesday that it would be acquiring Wrangell based Alaska Island Community Services.

Your budget-gap solution might be more complicated than you think

With the state’s fiscal woes looming over the next legislative session, there is a lot of talk about how to fill its multi-billion-dollar budget gap. Among the many suggestions are taxes, and communities are weighing several options.

Prince William and Kate Middleton visit Yukon communities

Alaska got as close as it could to a royal visit this week. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Kate Middleton, were met by a large crowd, music and dancing in Carcross this week. Listen Now

How courts protect vulnerable Alaskans—the elderly

KSKA: Wednesday, Sept.21 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Older Alaskans are the fastest growing population group in the state. With that chapter of life come challenges over health, security, independence and even the dangers of loneliness. Learn how the courts can help. LISTEN NOW

U.S.-Canada trade deal creating uncertainty in Southeast timber market

The U.S. is in the midst of negotiations with Canada over an agreement on Canadian lumber imports. Many U.S. sawmill owners argue that the Canadian mills receive government subsidies on government-owned lands, making it difficult for the U.S. market to compete. Listen now

Getting around in Southcentral

KSKA: Wednesday 9/14 @ 2 and 8 p.m. Whether you walk, bike, drive or take the bus—transportation is evolving in Southcentral. Find out more from transit planners and designers on this week's Hometown Alaska. LISTEN NOW

Meet ASD’s new superintendent

KSKA: Wednesday September 07 @ 2:00pm and 8:00pm The pencils and backpacks are still shiny and new as the Anchorage School District begins year one under the guidance of a new superintendent, Dr. Deena Paramo. What ideas does she bring to the table, and what are your questions for her? LISTEN NOW
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

Odd housing market in Wrangell puts the squeeze on WMC’s recruitment

It’s not often that a tight housing market boasts the largest average home size in the region coupled with home prices 40 percent below the regional average and the lowest rental prices in the state. But, Wrangell also has the lowest vacancy rates statewide, making it difficult for the Wrangell Medical Center to bring on new hires. Listen now

Seiners turn in early after weak pink harvest

The pink salmon season in Southeast is supposed to be peaking right now. Instead, the run is actually slowing, harvests have been poor, and many fishermen are wrapping up the season early.