Adelyn Baxter, KTOO - Juneau

Adelyn Baxter, KTOO - Juneau

Chinese buyers hesitant to buy Alaska seafood as U.S. weighs another round of tariffs

In the first round of what seems to be an escalating trade dispute between the U.S. and China, tariffs have been levied on billions of dollars worth of goods in both countries. Listen now

Self defense and “stand your ground” laws in Alaska

What do you know about self defense and Alaska's 'stand your ground' status? Prosecutor James Fayette and defense attorney John Cashion explain the law and take your questions. Thanks for listening!

Alaska independent musicians head to Nashville

If you could cash in determination for dollars, Alaska independent musicians would have bulging pockets. This week, organized by AKIMI, they head to Nashville to sell their made-in-Alaska songs. Thanks for listening!
Alaska State Troopers. Photo: Monica Gokey/ Alaska Public Media file photo.

Troopers seize 33,000 pounds of illegal salmon near Homer

Alaska State Troopers say five commercial fishing vessels illegally caught and transported thousands of pounds of salmon near Homer in late July. Listen now

Strengthening the safety net under homeless teens

We'll host the Covenant House executive director Alison Kear, along with at least two homeless or formerly homeless youth, to hear their stories. What are the risks for a teen who is homeless? What obstacles exist for a young person to overcome homelessness? How does mental and physical health play into this picture? Thanks for listening!

Juneau teens rap about Tlingit culture in new bilingual music video

The song features rhymes about picking blueberries, Southeast Alaska and smoking "a fat pound of salmon." Listen now

Whittier police arrest two men with 33-pound bag of meth

Whittier Police arrested two men who allegedly possessed a backpack filled with 33 pounds of methamphetamine Thursday. Listen now

Learning about Alaska farms and farmers

Summer is the season of abundant farmer's markets, filled with fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, eggs and more. Join us to meet some Alaska farmers and learn the back story on the challenges they face. And why, especially in Alaska, we should care. Thanks for listening!

Will online sales taxes incentivize Alaskans to shop local?

The U.S. Supreme Court changed course on taxing online sales this summer. Now, the Kenai Peninsula Borough is working towards taxing major online retailers, namely Amazon. Listen now

A woman seeks Don Young’s seat in Congress. And she’s never been to Alaska

Out of the field of six candidates running to unseat U.S. House Rep. Don Young this fall, there is one candidate who’s never set foot in Alaska. Listen now

Getting the run down on CBD

CBD, or cannibidiol, is for sale all over Anchorage. The side of a building along Benson Boulevard proclaims, "CBD sold here." Further down the street, another sign promises CBD tea. What is it, what claims are accurate, and what does a savvy consumer need to know? Thanks for listening!

Hatchery debate wages on as research continues

A conflict is intensifying over hatcheries in Prince William Sound. Listen now

How a state court and a tribal court collaborate on the Kenai

What if a state judge and a tribal judge could work together to tackle community substance abuse cases. That's happening right now on the Kenai Peninsula. Let's check in with the two judges and find out how it's working. Thanks for listening!

Lemon Creek inmates study Latin etymology and epic poems behind bars

Taking GED or vocational classes in prison is not unusual. But at Juneau’s Lemon Creek Correctional Center, a small group is studying Latin, a language that’s been dead for centuries. Listen now

Happy 25 to Alaska Botanical Garden

The gardening season is short and very intense in Alaska, so it may surprise you to know our community has a botanical garden enjoying its 25th year. In today's show, we'll talk to garden writer Jeff Lowenfels and the garden's executive director, Mike Monterusso, about its history and mission, and how it has shaped and informed gardening in Anchorage and Alaska. Thanks for listening!

Protecting victims’ rights

A state agency and a local nonprofit collaborate to protect victims' rights as they navigate the court system. Find out how it works and what the challenges are. Thanks for listening!

Sport and personal-use fishing closes on the Copper and Chitina rivers

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced Wednesday that it will close the Chitina River to dip-netting due to this year’s abysmal sockeye return to the Copper River. Listen now

Seward receives funding relief for December storm damage

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, is awarding the City of Seward disaster relief after a storm in December severely damaged a road that leads to a small village south of town. Listen now
A group of students at an entrance to a school building

Juneau seeks community help with $1 million endowment for Alaska College of Education

The City and Borough of Juneau is looking to the community for help meeting the remainder of its $1 million commitment to the University of Alaska’s new education college. Listen now

Elders look on with pride as younger generations step up at Celebration 2018

What began 36 years ago as an attempt to save Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian cultures from extinction has become a vibrant reminder that Alaska Native traditions are alive and thriving. Listen now