Adelyn Baxter, KTOO - Juneau

Adelyn Baxter, KTOO - Juneau

How Alaska chooses its judges; how voters weigh in

Before Alaska's statewide election on Nov. 6, where 15 judges appear on the ballot, learn how Alaska selects judges through an independent citizens' commission, and how voters have a say in retaining those judges at election time. Thanks for listening!

NPFMC may impose regulations on Southeast and GOA rental boats

The North Pacific Fishery Management Council, or NPFMC, took a step during its meeting Monday toward regulating unguided boats that anglers pay to use for halibut fishing. Listen now

Superior court judge rules against Kenai Peninsula Borough in invocation case

After a roughly two-year court battle, a superior court judge ruled Tuesday that the Kenai Peninsula Borough’s invocation policy is unconstitutional. Listen now

Key Alaska seafood products dropped from list of Chinese tariffs

Some of Alaska’s seafood industry has escaped the Trump administration’s trade war with China for now. Listen now

Cruise season ends as industry looks to see even more visitors next year

With the departure of the Westerdam and the Norwegian Pearl, Juneau’s 2018 cruise season has come to an end. Some in the local tour industry are already concerned about the growing number of visitors each year. Listen now
A person holds an iphone

FEMA assesses issues after national emergency alert test

“Some people didn’t receive it at all. Some people received it multiple times. Some people had their phone on silent and only heard a vibration. Other people didn’t hear anything at all,” a FEMA official explained. Listen now

Loving and learning from jazz

What can you learn from jazz? Find out from these Alaska students, including high school, college and an adult learner, along with their teacher, John Damberg. They'll play a few tunes, too. Thanks for listening!

Homer City Council revisits plastic bag ban

The Homer City Council is contemplating a ban on thin single-use plastic bags. The move would follow other communities that have passed similar ordinances. Listen now

Are YOU ready for the next emergency disaster? Here’s how to be.

Our previous show explained how Alaska prepares for natural and man-made disasters. Today's show shifts to our responsibility to be prepared ourselves. Learn how. Thanks for listening!

Governor declares emergency for Alaska Native languages

Gov. Walker’s order directs the state to use traditional place names on state signs and to promote indigenous languages in public education. Listen now

Homer residents experiment with a tree from Alaska’s prehistoric past

Could climate change take forests back in time? Kenai Peninsula residents and scientists see evidence that warmer weather is bringing back at least one tree that hasn’t populated Alaska for millions of years. Listen now

Is Alaska ready for its next health emergency?

First of two parts on emergency preparedness. This week, how is the state of Alaska prepared? Next week: How should you, private citizen, prepare? Thanks for listening!

UA regents to meet in Juneau this week

The meeting agenda includes updates on the university’s compliance with federal requirements for handling sexual discrimination, harassment and assault. It also includes progress on Strategic Pathways, the university’s comprehensive cost-cutting plan now in its third and final phase.

Alaska Native organizations receive federal grant for safe and healthy housing

The Organized Village of Kake and the Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority each received $1 million and the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium won almost $870,000. They hope to use the money for home repairs, education and to deal with mold and mildew issues. Listen now

Alaska’s therapeutic courts

September is National Recovery Month. On our next show, find out more about the role therapeutic courts play in coming to grips with the causes of crime instead of simply punishing the crime—again and again. Thanks for listening!

Alaska Airlines union workers picket for better wages

In Juneau, clerical workers, ramp staff and customer service agents sported neon green t-shirts that said “Show us the money!” as they waved signs on the plaza across from the airport’s drop off area. Listen now

Southeast sport fishing lodge owner appointed to halibut commission

Richard Yamada owns a lodge on Shelter Island. He’s been involved in the charter fishing industry for 37 years and currently serves on the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Juneau-Douglas Advisory Committee. Listen now

Saving the stories from Bristol Bay’s Naknek cannery

Bristol Bay just came off an historic salmon harvest. This year's peak has a long tail of success, dating back to the 1890s. Now, public historians are working to save the multicultural stories from Bristol Bay's Naknek Cannery, and to position this rich maritime district in a global context. Thanks for listening!

What risk do hatchery fish pose to Prince William Sound’s pinks?

An Alaska Department of Fish and Game study is about to take a step toward answering a question central to the debate: do hatchery fish that spawn with wild populations pose a threat to those stocks? Listen now
A group of students at an entrance to a school building

New Alaska College of Education prepares to step up teacher recruitment and retention

Among the College of Education’s new initiatives is hiring a full-time recruiter based in Juneau and expanding its role in a new teacher mentorship program. Listen now