Adelyn Baxter, KTOO - Juneau

Adelyn Baxter, KTOO - Juneau

On Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula, businesses hit hard during last summer’s wildfires are facing another season of uncertainty

As business owners look to this season for some sort of normalcy and a chance to recoup financial losses, they’re facing a new challenge: a global pandemic.

Making good decisions about screen time with your kids

No, this is not a report detailing what a bad parent you are because you let your children play for hours on tablets, phones and home computers. Instead, it acknowledges that screens are a...

Alaska marijuana shops can now apply to provide curbside pickup

Alaska's Marijuana Control Board passed the regulations Friday. Lt. Gov. Keven Meyer’s office signed off on them later that evening.

Curbside pickup could be coming to Alaska’s marijuana stores, as control board advances emergency regulations

Right now, sales are only allowed to take place as they normally would -- inside the store. But, if Governor Mike Dunleavy approves the board's emergency regulations, that will change.
A person in a yellow suit marked LCCC prisoner as seen from behind

Early prisoner release to slow coronavirus spread? Corrections commissioner says it’s ‘not on the table’

While other states have decided to release some prisoners early in order to ease the overcrowding of prison's, Alaska officials say they won't be taking that step.

Seventh staffer at Lemon Creek Correctional tests positive; inmates ask for more cleaning supplies

An inmate at the Juneau facility says that no new cleaning supplies have been distributed since the beginning of the pandemic.

How Alaska courts wrestle with COVID-19 constraints

Every American institution and most aspects of everyday life are impacted by efforts to quell the spread of the coronavirus. Public schools are closed. Working parents share the kitchen table and the family WiFi...

Alaska’s personal use and sport fisheries will stay open amid COVID-19 pandemic

Residents are being asked to take precautions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Park Service closes access road into Denali National Park

In a statement Tuesday, the National Park Service said the decision from Denali National Park and Preserve is in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

There are four COVID-19 cases at a Juneau correctional center

Four recent confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Juneau are all staff members at Lemon Creek Correctional Center, according to the Alaska Department of Corrections.
shoppers in line

Digital grocery orders are up as Alaskans hunker down, but some shoppers say the job isn’t worth it anymore

Last week, Instacart shoppers across the country went on strike, demanding more safety protections and better pay.

Alaska’s state arts council: Coming back from the shutdown

When Gov. Mike Dunleavy signed the state budget on April 7, it included funding vetoes for the university system, ferry service, Medicaid, school bond reimbursement and public radio. But unlike last year, the governor did...

From conventions to quarantines: Juneau’s Centennial Hall gets repurposed

The convention center will be used to house people who need to quarantine but don't have the space of their own.

LISTEN: How Alaska’s non-profits are feeling the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Alaska’s economy and it's businesses are facing great uncertainty amid the COVID-19 pandemic. And the non-profit industry is no exception.

Tackling homelessness, 2.0: Investing private $ for public good

It is fair to say that before the coronavirus arrived to terrify us all, one public debate that has rankled and confounded Anchorage residents and policy makers is the rise of homelessness, including encampments...

Alaska economists say containing the virus is critical for the state’s long-term outlook

Estimates show the state could lose up to 50,000 jobs if closures drag on. And, the value of goods and services produced in the state could be reduced by billions of dollars.

‘Hunker down’ doesn’t mean much when you’re homeless

People experiencing homelessness are exempt under the city’s hunker down order and a statewide order issued Friday. For many of them, the threat of a pandemic is not as high of a priority as staying warm or getting their next meal.

New study on Arctic warming: Was 2017 a tipping point?

The guests on this Hometown Alaska have all been working on a study of ecosystem changes in the Bering and Chukchi Seas. They are among a multidisciplinary team of academic, government and private sector...

‘Like we opened a new business’: Anchorage restaurants adapt to life without dining rooms

Some restaurants are keeping the doors open by adapting to this new normal. But, the transition hasn’t been easy.

Juneau coronavirus patient is in critical care, the first Alaskan hospitalized with the virus

A patient with COVID-19 was currently in the critical care unit at Bartlett Regional Hospital on Tuesday.