
StoryCorps’ mission is to preserve and share humanity’s stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world.

Bill Hess

Bill Hess lives in Barrow on the northern edge of Alaska. He was semi-adopted by an Inupiaq family - something he came to fully...

Ted Sutton

Ted Sutton, a Tlinget man from Southeast Alaska, was conceived during a drunken party in Sitka, Alaska. Authorities took him away from his parents...

Dorcas Rock

Dorcas Rock is a traditional healer in Barrow, Alaska. She spoke with her cousin Doreen Simmonds for StoryCorps Alaska. Dorcas has unusual gifts. Not...

Catherine Reamey and Sarena McArthur

Catherine Reamey and Sarena McArthur met as young girls in Dillingham, Alaska. They talked about their friendship for StoryCorps Alaska. Johanna Eurich Download Audio (MP3)

Luke Koonook

Luke Koonook is 80 years old and he has been whaling since he was a young man. He talks to Doreen Simmonds for StoryCorps...

Russell Nelson

Russell Nelson grew up in Dillingham, Alaska where everyone can, goes fishing. He and his neighbor, Fred Torrisi, stopped at a StoryCorps Alaska booth...

Walter Kanulie

Walter Kanulie is a Yupik Eskimo living in Togiak, Alaska where hunting and fishing is a way of life and traditional knowledge is something...

Mike Jeffery

Mike Jeffery came to Barrow more than 20 years ago and stayed to become the judge presiding on the edge of the Arctic Ocean...