Point Hope, Alaska School Holiday Program

The annual school Christmas program in Point Hope is a little different than in most communities. Yes, there are seasonally popular songs and carols, but many of them are sung in Inupiaq, the language of the Tikigaqmuit. Read more.

Alaska News Nightly: March 26, 2014

Court: Reinstate Tongass Roadless Rule Exemption; Murkowski Presses Demand for King Cove Road; Two Alaskans, Two Very Different Affordable Care Act Experiences; When Disaster Struck, Allen Took Care Of What He Could; The Great Alaska Earthquake: 50 Years Later; Graphite One Resources Purchases Promising Seward Peninsula Claim; Bethel’s Winter House Aims To Reduce Exposure Deaths Download Audio
A bull moose in the snow

Winter natural history

Like humans, animals and birds cope with winter in a variety of ways. Some leave, migrating to warmer climates. Some hunker down for lots of sleep by hibernating. And some, like moose and ravens, are active all winter long. Join this week's host, Paul Twardock, as he'll be talking with scientists and writers to help us better understand how nature adapts and adjusts to winter’s challenges. Thanks for listening!
A display at the Ketchikan Public Library celebrating Pride Month in June 2022.

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Lawmakers in Juneau are considering a special legislative session to settle on a fiscal plan for the state. Plus, Alaskans spoke in favor of ranked-choice voting during a hearing on a bill to repeal the measure.

Line One: Mental Health Services for Transition-Aged Youth

People aged 13 to 23, referred to as transition aged youths, are when serious mental health disorders are often first discovered. Research shows that early treatment significantly decreases hospitalization and increases participation in school and employment. Many resources are now available in our community including the Power Center and Alaska Seeds of Change. In this episode of Line One, Dr Justin Clark explores these resources and much more about mental health.

Alaska News Nightly: January 31, 2012

Jim Browder Selected As Next ASD Superintendent, New Oil, Gas Bill Expected By End Of Next Week, North Slope to Canada Gas Line Take Place in Fairbanks , Kotzebue Jail Remains Closed To Some Prisoners, Parnell, Delegation Respond To Possible Military Base Closures, ACMP Initiative Verification Marches On, K300 Raffle Winner Starting Scholarship Fund

APTI Proposed Bylaw Revision

The APTI Board of Directors proposes to repeal and replace the Bylaws of the Corporation. The new Bylaws, among other changes, consolidate membership classes into...

Night Music: November 20, 2010

Here’s the music playlist from the November 20, 2010 edition of Night Music. with Connie G. All tracks played are listed...

Alaska News Nightly: August 18, 2011

Orange Goo Determined to Be Plant Fungus Spores, State Getting More Attention in Foreign Policy, BOEMRE Says it Has Corrected Flaws Made Prior to Chukchi Sea Lease, Walrus Start Hauling Out Along North Coast, Checks Sent Out to Hundreds of Clerical Abuse Victims, Blatchford Buys Seward Phoenix Log, Tundra Drums Newspapers, Supreme Court Rules SOS Initiative Can Go Before Voters, Southcentral Foundation Gets Grant to Find Those Who Need Denali Kid Care, Staff Members Tour New Crime Lab, Whale Calf Freed From Fishing Gear

The Legislature’s Second Special Session

With the state legislature now gaveled in to a second special session in the new Legislative Information Office in Anchorage, major state issues are under debate, namely the state's operating budget. KSKA: Friday, 5/22, at 2:00 p.m. and Saturday, 5/23, at 6:00 p.m. KAKM: Friday, 5/22, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, 5/23, at 4:30 p.m. Download Audio:

Helping Heal Racism

A nationally known life coach and educator is in Anchorage as the guest of local advocacy groups "Healing Racism in Anchorage" "and Bridge Builders". Brent Scarpo also produced a documentary dealing with hate crimes that captured national headlines a decade ago., and he'll be hosting workships aimed at helping people diffuse racism and bullying.

Handling Wild Game

KSKA: Thursday, Sept. 29, at 2:00 p.m. On the next Outdoor Explorer we’ll be talking about the skills and planning necessary to properly field dress wild game and then get it to a processor. We’ll also talk about the cooking skills to make wild game delicious and healthy for your family. LISTEN NOW

Alaska News Nightly: June 26, 2013

Opinions Vary On President’s Plan To Combat Climate Change; Galena Residents Gradually Return To Rebuild; State Closing Disaster Assistance Shelter As Federal Aid Arrives; DOMA Ruled Unconstitutional; Fairbanks-Area Officials See Problems With Contamination Response Proposals; Cook Inlet Tribal Council Enters Video Game Realm; Lawmakers Calculating Costs Of State-Run Health Insurance For Public School Employees; Assembly Nixes Further Sitka Street Closures; Mr. Spock Beams (OK, Cruises) Into Ketchikan Download Audio

Photographing the Aurora: A Quick Guide

With every spike in solar activity, flares are sent off from the sun and come cascading over the magnetosphere, where the energy is released in various shades of undulating greens, blues and reds we call the Aurora. It’s always a challenge to capture these silky forms, but a few preparatory measures can ensure you get the best possible image to wow your friends and family. Find out more.

Line One: Respiratory health

Lung disease is rapidly becoming a women's disease. Lung cancer kills more women than breast, ovarian and cervical cancers combined. On Line One, join...

Great Performances: Hugh Laurie: Let Them Talk — A Celebration of New Orleans Blues

Versatile British actor Hugh Laurie, an American favorite for his role in the hit TV series “House,” showcases his musical side in an atmospheric special filmed in New Orleans. Defying simple categorization, Laurie finds his greatest satisfaction and inspiration from the mixture of blues and jazz that grew out of New Orleans at the beginning of the last century. “Let Them Talk” is his personal journey into the heart and soul of that music. KAKM: Friday, March 2 @ 9:30pm

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, December 21, 2021

What we know about the earthquake that shook Southcentral Alaska this afternoon. And how COVID relief funds could help address housing shortages in Western Alaska.

Night Music: April 13, 2013

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title Label Duration   8:00 pm...

Alaska Radio Reader Rambler: Philanthropy in Alaska

This month on Alaska Radio Reader Rambler, hosts Dick and Sandy sit down with Dennis McMillian, CEO of The Foraker Group. They talk about...

Number of Alaska Native Health Professionals Growing

Len Anderson, KSKA – Anchorage A transformation is quietly taking place in rural Alaska and at Anchorage’s Native Medical campus.  More and more of the...