Traveling Music 1-19-14

Traveling Music Shonti Elder 1-19-14   Format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Duration   Ditching Boy Solas / Traditional The Turning Tide Compass Records 3:47   Walk The Road Cathie Ryan / Kate Rusby Through Wind and Rain Mo...

Traveling Music 1-26-14

Traveling Music Shonti Elder 1-26-14   Format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Duration   Festival Song Tim Easton / Tim Easton Tim Easton, Since 1966/Volume 1 3:50   Hell and Scissors (instrumental) Foghorn String Band / Rafe...

Anchorage Starts Reading Early

Elizabeth Nicolai is the Youth Services Coordinator for the Loussac Library, and right now she’s reading a dinosaur book to a group of very small children. Recently the library expanded their second floor to include what they call the Play and Learn center. Inside of what looks like a massive fort of books there are toys, inspirational messages, and interactive art work on the walls. Read more.

Faces of Alaska: Mr. Whitekeys

Alaskans know Mr. Whitekeys as a comedian, a musician and a Spam-loving night club impresario. Whether you know him from his days behind the piano at the Fly By Night Club, his popular stage shows, or his regular commentary on local television, now is your chance to get to know the man behind the loud Hawaiian shirt. TV: Monday, January 27 @ 8 PM

Night Music: January 18, 2014

Here is the Night Music Playlist with Kirk Waldhaus.  All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Title Artist / Composer (if known) Album Label Song Duration 8:00...

Rock Island Line: January 12, 2014

Here’s the music playlist from Rock Island Line with Steve Grabacki and Marianne Kerr. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song...

Legislative Session Gavels In; And Rep. Kerttula Resigns

The Legislature opens the 2014 session and Gov. Parnell gives his State of the State address. Layoffs are coming to the Anchorage School District. Sen. Mark Begich opposes the proposed Pebble Mine. Analysts lay out the impact of budget shortfalls to the Legislature. Buccaneer his rough spots in preparing to drill in Cook Inlet. Shell's earnings off 48 percent. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals says the federal government failed to evaluate the potential consequences of the 2008 off-shore lease sale. The Anchorage labor law referendum seems head to the November ballot. Rep, Beth Kerttula steps down as House Minority Leader. KSKA: Friday, 1/24 at 2PM & Saturday, 1/25 at 6PM. KAKM: Friday 1/24 at 7:30PM & Saturday. 1/25 at 4:30PM

A New Year’s Resolution That Sticks

Today we’re sticking with our New Year’s Resolutions. This is the time of year in which many us, despite our best intentions, are already falling short on our resolutions. But food and wine blogger Carolyn Kinneen picked an attainable New Year’s Resolution for 2014: To expand her wine knowledge. Read more.

My New Years Resolution: Wine

Wine This year I decided my resolution should be to explore more wine options and expand my wine knowledge base. Hard resolution to follow, right? Read more.

Alaskan Wishes Granted by the Alaskan Community

Owen-photo-excerpt Meet three-year-old Owen from Salcha, Alaska. Owen is battling Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH), a life-threatening blood disorder. During treatment, his port for chemotherapy prevented him from taking baths at his grandparents' house—something he once loved to do. Read more.

Capacity Building Grants For Sustainability

acf mike walsh Learning to run an effective and efficient charitable organization does not happen overnight. As previously relied upon funding streams disappear, it’s imperative the nonprofit community finds innovative and sustainable ways to continue providing our much needed and relied upon services. For many of us, writing a grant for $3,000 dollars isn’t worth the effort. Read more.

Mountain View Community Plan Process

Last year, the Anchorage Community Land Trust, in partnership with the Mountain View Community Council, began the process of creating a 2014 Mountain View Neighborhood Plan. Focus groups were held with Clark Middle School students, program participants, business owners, and residents to hear their thoughts on land use in Mountain View. Read more.

Alaska Edition January 31, 2014

The Sullivan Administration labor law revision will be on the November ballot. The Richardson Highway avalanche continues to block road access to Valdez. HAARP may be history. Shell cancels its 2014 arctic drilling program. The Big Timber Motel in Anchorage may close. Gov. Parnell's gas-line proposal draws support and criticism. The emergency room is primary care for at least 6,500 Medicaid patients. Fairbanks expects to lay off up to 70 teachers during cuts to education funding. KSKA: Friday, 1/31 at 2PM & Saturday, 2/1 at 6PM. KAKM: Friday 1/31 at 7:30PM & Saturday. 2/1 at 4:30PM Download Audio

VPA’s Pollyanna

Feeling a little in the dumps? Charly Rentz as "Pollyanna" will make you smile as she is joined by fellow cast members to talk about Valley Performing Arts production of Susan Pargman's adaptation of this classic tale of the eternal optimist performing February 14th through March 9th. KSKA: Friday 1/31 at 2:45pm Listen Now

AK: Magic

For more than 20 years, people all over the world have been playing the strategic fantasy card game Magic: the Gathering. But the game has only recently found its way to Unalaska, where the island’s teenage boys have been going through a serious Magic phase for the past few months. Download Audio

Traveling Music 2-2-14

Traveling Music Shonti Elder 2-2-14 Promoted Concerts by Patty Larkin (Feb. 8, 7 PM Tap Root, Feb. 9, 6 PM Vagabond Blues) and Peter Mulvey (Feb. 15...

Traveling Music 2-9-14

Traveling Music Shonti Elder 2-9-14   Format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Duration   Obligatory Waltz Misty River / Dale Adkins Rising 3:54   Let's Call It A Life Darrell Scott / Darrell Scott The Invisible Man Full Light...

Preemie Football Hat — Free Knitting Pattern

natasha-price-football-hat-excerpt My friend Laura asked me to make her new little one a tiny football hat. I was definitely up to the challenge. I was surprised how few knitted patterns there were floating around Pinterest. Most of the patterns are crochet, which can be made very quickly, but for a football hat I think knit has more room for detail. Read more.

In The Dark of Winter Don’t “Kiss It All Goodbye”

Kiss-It-All-Goodbye-excerpt Artists love to exchange their wares with fellow craftsmen. I still have chimes my older daughter, Jenn, made in kindergarten almost forty years ago. So when my friend Lawrence Vescera mailed me his sci-fi tome, Kiss It All Goodbye, I was thrilled to turn off reruns of The Borgias, pour some tea and begin the enchantment while forgetting icy roads outside my cozy nook. Read more.

2013 Aurora Highlights Short

Here's a highlight reel of my best aurora nights in 2013, including THE best St. Patrick's Day aurora display. That was an epic night in Alaska with an EPIC FLIGHT to the stars! 2014 has great potential. We are still in the peak phase of the solar cycle and on any given night, predicted or not predicted, there can be a light show that will set you free.