Stage Talk: The Wizard of Oz & Audition for Murder

This week host Mark Muro is joined by director, Ron Holmstrom and Emily Decker, who plays Dorothy in the Anchorage Community Theatre's production of...

Alaska News Nightly: October 11, 2007

Senator Ted Stevens hears testimony on the erosion problem in western Alaska at a field hearing in Anchorage. Plus, two Democratic lawmakers call on...

Alaska News Nightly: October 10, 2007

Tonight we look at the role the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) might play in preserving Alaska's polar bear population, as their ice habitat...

Alaska News Nightly: October 9, 2007

Former state lawmaker Vic Kohring was in federal court today, facing new corruption allegations. Plus, a hog farmer from Minnesota records several "firsts" on...

Talk of Alaska: Lifelong Learning

Education is not just for the young. One-third of the students at the University of Alaska are over 40. Outside Anchorage, the average age...

Alaska News Nightly: October 8, 2007

A tiny museum in Haines goes up against a giant in the L.A. art world. At stake are the naming rights for the "Hammer...

Line One: Preventing, Predicting, and Treating Heart Failure

This week on Line One, Dr. Woodward and his guest, local cardiologist, Dr. Ankie Amos Dyke of the Alaska Heart Institute discuss preventing, predicting...

Preview: Talk of Alaska — Tue, Oct 9

Coming up Tuesday, October 9 at 10:00 a.m. on Talk of Alaska... Education is not just for the young. One-third of the students at the...

AK: Murder & Mayhem

We revisit the Cache Creek Murders of 1939, and hear about a new vampire movie that takes place in Barrow -- it was shot...

Alaska News Nightly: October 5, 2007

A Shell oil executive talks about the company's future in Alaska. Plus, the Alaska SeaLife Center rescues its first ribbon seal. The animal was...

Stage Talk: The Diviners

This week host Mark Muro visits with David Edgecomb, director of The Diviners at the UAA Mainstage Theatre along with actor and assistant lighting...

Alaska News Nightly: October 4, 2007

Alaska's series of political corruption trials got more interesting today as Vic Kohring is given a revised indictment alleging additional corruption activities. Meanwhile some...

Alaska News Nightly: October 3, 2007

The lawyer for convicted former lawmaker Pete Kott is asking for a re-trial. Plus, we look at global warming's "evil twin" -- ocean acidification....

Alaska News Nightly: October 2, 2007

Governor Palin unveiled the oil tax legislation she's asking lawmakers to consider in a special legislative session this month. Plus, school officials in Juneau...

Talk of Alaska: Banned Books

Every culture fells threatened by some idea or other, and many cultures ban books. Is it practical to draw lines of censorship in an...

Alaska News Nightly: October 1, 2007

Alaska lawmakers look at whether major oil producers coordinated with VECO while the company was bribing legislators last year. Plus, Juneau residents consider returning...

Line One: Breast Cancer & The Quiet War

This week on Line One: Your Health Connection, guests and callers will discuss breast cancer and The Quiet War, a film produced by the...

Preview: Talk of Alaska — Tue, Oct 2

Coming up Tuesday, October 2 at 10:00 a.m. on Talk of Alaska... Every culture fells threatened by some idea or other, and many cultures ban...

KSKA back at full power

After a few weeks of reduced signal during our HD Radio and analog transmitter upgrade, KSKA is once again operating at full power. While...


It's that time of year again -- time for the Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD). And in its honor, we give a little TLC to...