Alaska News Nightly: December 4, 2007

The Coast Guard is searching for an air ambulance helicopter that went missing between Cordova and Anchorage last night with four people on board....

Talk of Alaska: Eyewitness to Global Warming

World leaders meet this month in Bali (December 4 to 14) to begin work on a new treaty to succeed the Kyoto Agreement on...

Alaska News Nightly: December 3, 2007

Anchorage police have a man in custody who's admitted to a string of violent attacks over the last two days that resulted in two...

Line One: Dr. Uwe Reinhardt

Recognized as one of the nation's leading authorities on health ...

Algo Nuevo: December 2, 2007

Here's the music playlist from the Dec 2, 2007 edition of Algo Nuevo -- Something New. If you have questions, comments or music requests for...

Traveling Music: December 2, 2007

Here's the music playlist from the Dec 2, 2007 edition of Traveling Music with Shonti Elder. All tracks played are listed below in the following...

AK: Leftovers

This week we're reaching into the back of the fridge and pulling out the leftovers. We'll attend a Leftovers Party in Fairbanks, and make...

Alaska News Nightly: November 30, 2007

Conoco Phillips puts in a bid to build the Alaska gas pipeline; The Anchorage Assembly passes a hard-fought budget, and Savoonga gets ready for...

Stage Talk: Cyrano and The Elephant's Child

This week on Stage Talk, host Mark Muro chats with Mark Lutwak, director of Cyrano at Cyrano's Off-Center Playhouse and Yngvil Vaten Guttu and...

Alaska News Nightly: November 29, 2007

BP gets fined $20 million for last year's north slope oil spill; 2 clinics for low-income patients may have to close, and troopers uncover...

Night Music: November 29, 2007

Here's the music playlist from the Nov 29, 2007 edition of Night Music with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following...

Alaska News Nightly: November 28, 2007

Alaska birds are included on a national watch list; a new genetic link ties native peoples in North America and Siberia, and "Papa Pilgrim"...

Alaska Radio Reader Rambler: Cyrano

Visiting director from Hawaii, Mark Lutwak sits down with ARRR hosts Sandy Harper and Dick Reichman to discuss Cyrano, the holiday attraction at Cyrano's...

Alaska News Nightly: November 27, 2007

Senator Lesil McGuire implicated in threats; a sentence is handed down in the WASCO case, and and some war widows are choosing to have...

AK tops 200 episodes

Earlier this month APRN's national award-winning show, AK, crept over the 200 episode mark, and we couldn't be happier! First broadcast in the fall...

Talk of Alaska: Film Festivals Break into the North

An international film festival starts November 30th in Anchorage. Competing for awards will be more than 150 films from all over the world. ...

Alaska News Nightly: November 26, 2007

Government scientists evaluate extent of ice melt in Alaska; Conoco Phillips backs away from upgrade to North Slope facility, and a 100-year-old baidarka gets...

Line One: Domestic Violence

This week on Line One: Your Health Connection, Dr. Woodard is joined by Dr. Linda Chamberlain of the Homer Health Center who will discuss...

Algo Nuevo: November 25, 2007

Here's the music playlist from the Nov 25, 2007 edition of Algo Nuevo -- Something New. If you have questions, comments or music requests for...

AK: Crossed Signals & Miscommunication

This week on AK, we get our signals crossed. We'll hear about some bears who were being sent some very mixed signals and learn...