Reconnecting with the Dena’ina in Anchorage

All your favorite Anchorage places, like Chester Creek and Point Woronzof, have other names given them by the first people who made Anchorage home, the Dena'ina Athabascans. Learn more about your hometown from the experts, the first residents, on the next Hometown Alaska. KSKA: Wednesday, 11/13 at 2:00pm and 9:00pm Listen Now

APD Policy Change on Vehicles as Weapons, BP Plans for North Slope, Immigration Bill Heats Up in Senate

APD policy change on vehicles as weapons. BP and others plan for North Slope. Immigration bill heats up in Senate. Governor Parnell signs $425 million bill to finance gas liquification plant. The Seaalska Bill is back and facing objections to making it law. Download Audio

Traveling Music: January 10, 2010

Here’s the music playlist from the January 10, 2010 edition of Traveling Music with Shonti Elder. All tracks played are listed below in the following...

Gray Whale Migration

One of the first signs of spring in coastal Alaska is the appearance of gray whales, who pass our way on their annual journey from Mexico to the Bering Sea. Along our uninhabited shores, the whales get a lot more privacy than they do down south, but you can see them from boats and coastal towns, and tour boats from Seward go out to view the whales through April. On today’s show, we’re talking about going out to see the whales this spring, and the biology of the whales and their amazing migration. KSKA: Thursday, April 9, at 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. Listen Now:

49 Voices: Russell Sell of Anchorage

Russell Sell is an experienced skier and owner of SkiAK in Midtown Anchorage. 

Line One: The New Vaccine to Prevent Cervical Cancer

The human papillomavirus is responsible for almost all instances of cervical cancer worldwide. And now, there is a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. We’ve...

Fly Fishing

Fly fishing is not the easiest way to catch a fish, by a long shot, and most fly fishermen let the fish go after they catch it, anyway. Does that make sense? On the next Outdoor Explorer, we’ll find out. KSKA: Thursday, July 9, at 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Listen Now:

Profile: Liz Medicine Crow

Tlingit attorney Liz Medicine Crow works for the Native Policy Center at the First Alaskan's Institute in Anchorage. Medicine Crow comes from a family...

Alaska News Nightly: December 30, 2009

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio...
a bottle of pills

Line One: When and how to seek psychiatric medication

Many people struggling with mental health issues may want to consider psychiatric medication, but don't know where to start.

Hometown, Alaska: South of the Border meets the Arctic

On Cinco de Mayo, many of Anchorage's Mexican restaurants are planning to celebrate. But what's it like to be a transplanted Mexican in...

Celebrating National Sourdough Bread Day | Hometown, Alaska

Host Dave Waldron sits down with journalist and food writer, Julia O'Malley, to discuss all things sourdough.

“Dating Radar”- The Warning Signs Of High Conflict Partners And How To Spot Them Before It’s Too Late

Monday, March 06, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Lost in the ecstasy of a new relationship, it’s easy to ignore the early warning signs that all might not be as it seems. On the next Line One Your Health Connection, High Conflict expert, Bill Eddy, joins Line One Co-Host Prentiss Pemberton to discuss the warning signs and clues that indicate you might be dating a Narcissist. LISTEN NOW

KSKA Programming Interrupted

KSKA's transmitter at Goose Bay is not working properly and programming has consequentially been interrupted as of 11:00 AM Monday morning. KSKA engineers are...

Soul to Soul: June 20, 2009

Here’s the music playlist from the June 20, 2009 edition of Soul to Soul with Marvel and Sherry Johnson. All tracks played are listed...

Faces of Alaska: Mr. Whitekeys

Alaskans know Mr. Whitekeys as a comedian, a musician and a Spam-loving night club impresario. Whether you know him from his days behind the piano at the Fly By Night Club, his popular stage shows, or his regular commentary on local television, now is your chance to get to know the man behind the loud Hawaiian shirt. TV: Monday, January 27 @ 8 PM

Get gardening!

Time to get dirt under your fingernails. Tune in for a splash of summer gardening inspiration and information from local experts. KSKA: Wednesday, March 30 @ 2:00 pm and 8:00 pm DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Kenny Lake Students Premiere Historical Railway Documentary

Students in the award-winning documentary filmmaking program at Kenny Lake School, a small K-12 school in the rural town of Copper Center, Alaska, recently premiered their 90-minute documentary Iron Rails: The Story of the Copper River and Northwestern Railway. The film, which was supported by a 2010 Alaska Humanities Forum We the People grant of $6,000, has won first place in the Alaska Society for Technology in Education (ASTE) 2012 documentary film contest. Learn more.
Political Candidate Alyse Galvin smiles at the camera in front of trees

LISTEN: U.S. House candidate Alyse Galvin is here to answer your questions

Challenging Alaska's lone and long-serving U.S. House representative for a second time, Alyse Galvin is running as an independent with support from state Democrats.

Night Music: October 6, 2012

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Connie G. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title Label Duration The Message Evidence...